SEDL’s Working Systemically Approach: A Process Grounded in Research
The Working Systemically Approach: Levels, Components, and Competencies
Levels of the System
Components of the System
Competencies for Working Systemically
The Working Systemically Approach in Action
Working Systemically Phases
Phase I: Understanding Systemic Improvement
Collect and Analyze Preliminary Data
Present the Approach at the School Level
Commit to Systemic Improvement
Phase II: Analyzing the System
Form the District and School Leadership Teams
Begin the Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Conduct a Gap Analysis (reference to System Examination Tool: Appendix 1)
Begin the Process at the School Level
Formulate Problem Statements
Review District Initiatives
Continue the Process at the School Level
Phase III: Planning Action
Investigate Research-Based Practices
Explore the Professional Teaching and Learning Cycle (PTLC)
Review Progress Made to Date and Existing Plan
Develop a District Improvement Plan (reference to Leadership Self-Assessment Tool: Appendix 2)
Formalize and Communicate the District Plan
Develop School Improvement Plans
Phase IV: Taking Action and Monitoring Progress
Implement and Monitor the Improvement Plans
Provide Leadership for the Improvement Work
Address Unique Challenges as They Arise
Phase V: Assessing and Reflecting on Outcomes
Analyze and Reflect on Evidence of Implementation and Impact
Decide on a Focus for Continuing the Improvement Work
Recognize Work, Progress, and Accomplishments
Getting Serious About the System: What It Takes