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Assessment for Effective Intervention

Assessment for Effective Intervention

and SAGE in association with the Council for Educational Diagnostic Services

eISSN: 19387458 | ISSN: 15345084 | Current volume: 50 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: Quarterly
Assessment for Effective Interventions provides critical analysis of practitioner-developed assessment procedures, as well as papers that focus on published tests. The journal features articles that describe the relationship between assessment and instruction, introduce innovative assessment strategies, outline diagnostic procedures, analyze relationships between existing instruments, and review assessment techniques, strategies, and instrumentation.

Articles published in Assessment for Effective Intervention are relevant for practicing educational diagnosticians, special educators, psychologists, academic trainers, and others interested in psychoeducational assessment. The primary purpose of the journal is to publish empirically sound manuscripts that have implications for practitioners.

Submit your manuscript today at

published in Assessment for Effective
(AEI) are relevant for practicing educational diagnosticians,
special educators, psychologists, academic trainers, and others interested in
psychoeducational assessment. The primary purpose of the journal is to publish
empirically sound manuscripts that have implications for practitioners.

Aarti P. Bellara Western Carolina University, USA
Nathan A. Stevenson Kent State University, USA
Associate Editors
Abigail Allen Clemson University, USA
Brian Daniels University of Massachusetts - Boston, USA
Evan H. Dart University of South Florida, USA
Marissa J. Filderman University of Alabama, USA
Garret J. Hall Florida State University, USA
Jiwon Hwang California State University, Los Angeles, USA
Esther Lindstrom University of Illinois Chicago, USA
Megan Rojo University of North Texas, USA
Consulting Editors
Elizabeth Adams American Institutes for Research, USA
Julie Alanzo University of Oregon, USA
Amy E. Barth Buena Vista University, USA
Deni L. Basaraba Amplify Education, USA
Amy M. Briesh Northwestern University, USA
Rachelle Bruno Northern Kentucky University, USA
Gunnar Bruns University of Wuppertal, Germany
Mack D. Burke Baylor University, USA
Gregory Callan Utah State University, USA
Heather M. Campbell St. Olaf College, USA
Kelly M. Carrero Texas A&M University-Commerce, USA
Eunsoo Cho Michigan State University, USA
Theodore J. Christ University of Minnesota USA
Nathan H. Clemens University of Texas - Austin, USA
Sarah Conoyer Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville, USA
Lauren Cozad The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Franci Crepeau-Hobson University of Colorado - Denver, USA
Amy Crosson Pennsylvania State University
Shawn M. Datchuk University of Iowa, USA
Jeff Davis American Institutes for Research, USA
Rebecca S. Davis Eastern New Mexico University, USA
Bridget V. Dever Lehigh University, USA
Lisa Didion The University of Iowa, USA
Christian T. Doabler University of Texas at Austin, USA
Nick Elksnin Learning & Evaluation Resources, USA
Chris Espin Leiden University, Netherlands
Sarah A. Fefer University of Massachusetts - Amherst, USA
Abdullah Ferdous American Institutes for Research, USA
Aaron J. Fischer University of Utah, USA
Jeremy Ford Boise State University, USA
Lynn S. Fuchs Vanderbilt University, American Institutes for Research
Michael J. Furlong University of California - Santa Barbara, USA
Todd A. Glover Rutgers University, USA
Emily V. Gregori University of Illinois - Chicago, USA
Colby S. Hall University of Virginia, USA
Kate Helbig University of South Dakota, USA
Bridget O. Hier Syracuse University, USA
Elizabeth Hughes Pennsylvania State University, USA
Stacy-Ann January Univeristy of South Florida, USA
Austin S. Jennings Diploma Sender, Research and Analytics
Amanda M. Kern University of Nebraska - Omaha, USA
Leanne R. Ketterlin Southern Methodist University, USA
Ryan J. Kettler Rutgers University-New Brunswick, USA
Stephen Kilgus University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Allyson J. Kiss Independent Researcher, USA
David Klingbeil University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA
Sarah K. Krowka Instructional Research Group, USA
Erica Lembke University of Missouri, USA
Esther Lindstrom University of Illinois Chicago, USA
Jessica Logan Vanderbilt University, USA
Chu Yi Lu University of Delaware, USA
Amanda Marcotte University of Massachusetts - Amherst, USA
Ashley Mayworm Loyola University - Chicago, USA
Maryellen Brunson McClaine Indiana University - Bloomington, USA
Kent McIntosh University of Oregon, USA
Faith G. Miller University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, USA
Stephanie Morano University of Virginia, USA
Peter Nelson ServeMinnesota, USA
Kirsten W. Newell Texas A&M University, USA
Eric L. Oslund Middle Tennessee State University, USA
Michael Paal University of Seigen, Germany
Sam Patton Vanderbilt University, USA
Corey J. Peltier University of Oklahoma, USA
Apryl L. Poch University of Nebraska-Omaha, USA
Sarah Powell University of Texas, Austin, USA
June Preast University of Missouri, USA
Matthew P. Quirk University of California - Santa Barbara, USA
Keith C. Radley University of Utah, USA
Tyler L. Renshaw Utah State University, USA
Kristen D. Ritchey University of Delaware, USA
Anthony J. Roberson University of Houston - Clear Lake, USA
Garrett Roberts University of Denver, USA
Jay W. Rojewski University of Georgia, USA
Natalie Romer University of South Florida
Karen J. Rooney Educational Enterprises, Inc.
Lisa M. Sanetti University of Connecticut, USA
Lina Shanley University of Oregon, USA
Sarah Wollersheim Shervey University of Minnesota, USA
Wesley A. Sims Wichita State University, Wichita, KS
Alex R. Smith University of Nevada - Las Vegas
Benjamin G. Solomon University of Albany - SUNY, USA
Gerald Gill Strait University of Houston - Clear Lake, USA
Crystal N. Taylor University of Southern Mississippi, USA
Joshua P. Taylor University of Maine, USA
Elizabeth L. Tighe Georgia State University, USA
Tammy Tolar University of Houston, USA
Jessica R. Toste University of Texas - Austin, USA
Adrea Truckenmiller Michigan State University, USA
Ethan Van Norman Lehigh University, USA
Amanda VenDerHeyden Education Research and Consulting, Inc., USA
Kyle B. Wagner University of Findlay, USA
Jeanne Wanzek Vanderbilt University, USA
Sara A. Whitcomb University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Sara E. Witmer Michigan State University, USA
Suzanne Woods-Groves Auburn University, USA
Paul Yovanoff Southern Methodist University, USA
Rebecca O. Zumeta American Institutes for Research, USA
Graduate Student Editors
Susan Aigotti University of Virginia, USA
Staci Ballard University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
Katlynn Dahl-Leonard University of Virginia, USA
Xuechan Dai University of Michigan -Ann Arbor, USA
Kelsey Klatka Kent State University, USA
Anastasiia Iun University of Massachusetts - Boston, USA
Tatev Sarkissyan California State Unversity- Los Angeles, USA
Samantha Scott Clemson University, USA
  • Clarivate Analytics: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
  • Contents Pages in Education (T&F)
  • ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)
  • Educational Research Abstracts Online (T&F)
  • NISC
  • ProQuest: Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)
  • PsycINFO
  • SafetyLit
  • Scopus
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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