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Caroline Roberts University of Lausanne, Switzerland

I am an applied environmental scientist with specific interests in sustainable water resource management. Iam also the Director of the Technology Strategy Board-funded ‘Environmental Sustainability Knowledge Transfer Network’ (ESKTN), based at the University of Oxford. * The ESKTN is accelerating the UK’s transition to a low carbon, resource and energy efficient economy by connecting businesses, universities and Government agencies, and catalysing innovation across a wide range of environmental technologies. I have also been a frequent expert witness in Public Inquiries and Crown Court. Most recently I was the Technical Adviser to Gloucestershire County Council following the severe flooding in summer 2007, and I continue to advise local authorities on flooding. The Gloucestershire event was the largest civil emergency in the UK, ever; and this project explore this theme further. I was previously Associate Dean of the Faculty of Education, Humanities and Sciences at the University of Gloucestershire and Director of the Centre for Active Learning.