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Joanne P Sharp University of St Andrews, Scotland

Jo Sharp is Professor of Geography at the University of St Andrews in Scotland.  She is a feminist political geographer with research interests in postcolonialism, global health and critical geopolitics, and has undertaken collaborative research in Egypt and Tanzania.  Her early work sought to extend what is considered to be the geopolitical beyond the formal spheres of statecraft to include popular culture and the everyday, and this has continued through more recent postcolonial work on subaltern geopolitics.  She has co-edited Bedouins by the Lake (with Ahmed Belal, John Briggs and Irina Springuel), The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Political Geography (with John Agnew, Virginia Mamadouh and Anna Secor), and Imagine a Country (with Val McDermid). In 2022 she became the sixth Geographer Royal of Scotland.