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PLEASE NOTE: Sage UK Distribution including UK Books Customer Services will be closed for a stocktake from 27th November to 29th November. This affects only book orders and queries from the UK. Any orders placed during this period; or queries emailed, will be dealt with as normal when service resumes on 2nd December. Thank you for your patience and we apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Judy Swanson

Judy Swanson leads a not-for-profit research and evaluation firm, Research for Quality Schools, in Seattle, WA. For 20 years she has conducted research in urban schools throughout the US. Her expertise and recent research has focused on teacher leadership, professional development for instructional improvement, and teacher development at all stages of a teacher's career. She has worked with CSTP to develop and facilitate case writing retreats for teacher leaders since 2003. Swanson received her PhD in educational psychology at Stanford University.