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Hollenczer, Lara L.

Lara L. Hollenczer Freelance Publicist

Lara L. Hollenczer, the mother of two public school youngsters, is heavily involved in local educational issues as a parent, community activist, and local business owner. Professionally, she made her mark by helping law firms har­ness the capacity of the Internet for “branding” their firms, conducting market research, and developing new clients. After stints at several large Washington, D.C., law firms, she joined a fast-growing Annapolis, Maryland, advertising and public relations agency where her clients included local and state teacher associations. After several years at the agency, she expanded her business to assist clients with research, market development, and media planning. She is accredited in public relations with the Public Relations Society of America and is a Professional Certified Marketer with the American Marketing Association. Her master’s degree is in communication management from Syracuse University.