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Lynne M. Casper University of Southern California, USA, National Institute of Child Health & Human Development, Bethesda, MD

Lynne M. Casper received her Ph.D. in demography and sociology from Penn State in 1992. She is currently Health Scientist Administrator and Demographer in the Demographic and Behavioral Sciences Branch at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. She is also director of NICHD’s training program in population studies and is program officer for many national data collection efforts. She has published numerous scholarly articles in the areas of families and households, cohabitation, fatherhood, childcare, voting and demographic methods. She previously spent 7 years as a Demographer and Statistician in the Fertility and Family Statistics Branch at the U.S. Census Bureau where she was senior analyst for the family and households, childcare and voting programs. She has authored nearly a dozen Census Bureau Current Population Reports. She was awarded Vice-President Gore’s Hammer Award for her work on fatherhood with the Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics. She is currently a member of the NICHD Family and Child Well-being Research Network and the Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics.