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Shaheer, Noman Ahmed

Noman Ahmed Shaheer The University of Sydney Business School, Australia, University of Sydney, Australia

Noman Shaheer is a senior Assistant Professor in international business discipline at the University of Sydney. He received his PhD in international business from Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina and. His dissertation was on the topic of internationalization of digital innovation, which won two of the most prominent dissertation awards in the field of international business, Buckley & Casson AIB Dissertation Award and AOM International Management Division Dissertation Award. His research on digital internationalization has been published in some of the most prominent international business and entrepreneurship journals including Journal of International Business Studies, Harvard Business Review, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of World Business, Journal of International Marketing, and Journal of International Management. His research has received several promising awards including Journal of Business Venturing Lazaridis Best Paper Award, Temple/AIB Best Paper Award, and Alan M. Rugman Most Promising Scholar award. In addition, he serves as a consulting editor at the Journal of International Business Studies, and Asia Pacific Journal of Management. Noman Shaheer also holds leadership positions in several research organizations. He is the Founding Chair of Digitalization Special Interest Group, Academy of International Business and Chair of Research Methods Committee, International Management Division, Academy of Management. Noman Shaheer has been invited to speak on various forums including United Nations Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Panel on World Investment Report, Journal of International Business Studies Paper Development Workshop, and panels on Writing Award Winning PhD Dissertation.

Noman Shaheer has teaching experience in University of South Carolina and University of Sydney in both undergraduate and postgraduate (Masters) programs. He has been teaching global business course since 2018, which covers core concepts of global business and global strategy. He has also designed a new course, digital globalization, for undergraduate, advanced studies, and Master’s in International Business programs, what he has been teaching since 2021. The course employs business model framework to offer new ideas for conducting international business on the wake of latest technologies. Based on his excellent teaching performance, Noman Shaheer has received University of Sydney Teaching Awards for 5 consecutive semesters from 2021 to 2024.