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Sandra A. McIntire Ex-faculty, Rollins College, Florida

Sandra A.McIntire, Ph.D., received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in psychology and her doctor of philosophy degree in industrial/organizational psychology from the University of South Florida. She began her career in the human resources department of the city of Clearwater, Florida, and moved into consulting with Wilson Learning Corporation (WLC) as a senior project manager. At WLC, she developed the first retail video selection test, the Teller Selection Program (TAP). She also consulted with Fortune 500 companies such as Citibank NA, United Technologies, IBM, and General Motors. In 1991, she accepted a tenure track professorship in the department of psychology at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida. In addition to teaching social science statistics, research methods, and tests and measurements, she served as director of the psychology program for nontraditional students in Rollins’s Hamilton Holt School. She has collaborated on three books: The Job Analysis Kit, Organization Development: Strategies for a Changing Environment, and Foundations of Psychological Testing (first and second editions). In addition, she has served as a book reviewer for Personnel Psychology. She has collaborated on peer-reviewed research and made numerous presentations to national organizations such as the American Society for Training and Development, the American Psychological Association, and the Southeastern Conference on Teaching of Psychology. Dr. McIntire is now retired from Rollins College.