A Story: Through the Cracks
Six Simple Strategies to Close the Achievement Gap
1. Set High Expectations: Get Kids Emotionally Involved
Quote: "They don't teach us enough."
TESA -- Teacher Expectations, Student Achievement
Facing the Day with Feelings
Reflection: What Teachers Make
2. Challenge Students to Think: Teach Higher Order Thinking
Quote: "Make kids think."
Reflection: The Average Child
Film: Saturday Night Live: The Best of Jerry Seinfeld "World War II 101"
3. Require Rigor: Require Complete Sentences, Standard English, Formal Register
Quote: "Good Morning, Class. I'm Miss Hobbs!"
Reflection: Mr. Parnes' Questions
4. Leave Nothing to Chance: Revisit! Review! Re-teach! Revise!
Quote: "I told them what they're supposed to know."
Revisit with a Two-Minute Buzz
Review by Dialing 4-1-1 and Connecting
Revise for Precision and Accuracy
Reflection: Invitation to Learn
5. Make No Excuses: Encourage At-Risk Participation
Quote: "What is it about me you can't teach?"
Fishbowl, Card Game, and TAG
Co-operative Learning Strategies
Reflection: You're a Hero to Someone
6. Insist on Results: Emphasize Reading
Quote: " When kids can't, won't or don't read, nothing else matters."
Getting Kids to Love to Read
Reflection: Let the Data Tell the Story