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Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society

Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society

Published in Association with University of North Florida

eISSN: 15524183 | ISSN: 02704676 | Current volume: 44 | Current issue: 3-4 Frequency: Quarterly

The Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society provides communication within as wide a spectrum of the science, technology, and society (STS) community as possible, including faculty and students from sciences, engineering, the humanities, education, and behavioral and social sciences that teach integrative STS subject matters. It includes professionals in government, industry, and universities, ranging from philosophers and historians of science to social scientists concerned with how science and technology affect their own study and policymaking. Yet a third category of readers represents "society": journalists addressing the impacts of science and technology, public interest groups, and the attentive public.

Material prepared for the Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society can include original research articles or reflection on STS topics. We emphasize articles of general interest to those in STS fields, which can be used at different educational levels. Subjects include, but are not limited to:

  • intersections of STS and policy
  • technology assessment
  • impacts of STS on human values, religious insights, and work and labor
  • public understanding of technology and science, especially in science education
  • professional activities of individuals active in STS
  • letters to the editor and responses to earlier printed articles
  • research notes

For general inquiries contact the editor, Jeffry Will, at

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Submit your manuscript today at

The goal of the Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society is to provide a means of communication within as wide a spectrum of the science, technology, and society (STS) community as possible. This includes faculty and students from sciences, engineering, the humanities, and social sciences for whom integrative STS subject matters are salient. It also includes professionals in government, industry, and universities, ranging from philosophers and historians of science to social scientists concerned with the effects of science and technology, scientists and engineers involved in their own specialized study and policymaking, and the concerned general leader.

A third category of readers represents "society": journalists dealing with the impacts of science and technology in their respected fields, public interest groups, and the attentive public. The scope of the Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society is that which is of value in STS pedagogy at either the university or K-12 level. Such material can include original articles describing research or reflection on STS topics.
The journal emphasizes articles of general interest in the STS field, which can be used in teaching undergraduate or K-12 students. Educational modules are suitable for instruction in STS courses at the college level or K-12 level.

Jeffry Will University of North Florida, USA
Editorial Board
Sherif E. Abdelhamid AAST, Smart Village Cairo Campus, Egypt; Virginia Tech
Glenn Branch National Center for Science Education, USA
Wayne Buente School of Communications, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
Edna Einsiedel University of Calgary, Canada
Raymond A. Eve University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Carolyn Funk Cary Funk Research, LLC, USA
Alejandro Gallard Georgia Southern University, USA
Maria Rosario Virginia Garcia College of Science, University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
Constantine Hadjilambrinos Associate Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies, University of New Mexico, USA
Thomas A. Hemphill University of Michigan-Flint, School of Management, USA
Hiroaki Matsuura Shoin University, Japan
Froilan D. Mobo Central Luzon State University, Philippines
Daniel R. Morrison Abilene Christian University, USA
Matthew C. Nisbet Northeastern University, USA
S.Shajun Nisha Sadakathullah Appa College, PG & Research Dept of Comp Sci, India
Eric Plutzer Pennsylvania State University, USA
Aviram Sharma School of Ecology and Environment Studies, Nalanda University, India
James Trefil George Mason University, USA
Founding Editors
Jacques Ellul  
Rustum Roy Materials Research Lab, Pennsylvania State University, USA
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