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China Information

China Information

A Journal on Contemporary China Studies

eISSN: 1741590X | ISSN: 0920203X | Current volume: 38 | Current issue: 3 Frequency: 3 Times/Year

China Information presents timely and in-depth analyses of major developments in contemporary China and overseas Chinese communities in the areas of politics, economics, law, ecology, culture, and society, including literature and the arts. It is a refereed academic journal with an international readership indexed in SSCI and Scopus.

China Information pays special attention to views and areas that do not receive sufficient attention in the mainstream discourse on contemporary China. It encourages discussion and debate between different academic traditions, offers a platform to express controversial and dissenting opinions, and promotes research that is historically sensitive and contemporarily relevant.

The journal's mission to promote exchanges between different academic traditions is reflected in its awareness of the important contributions made by scholars outside the Anglo-Saxon world. It actively seeks to reflect the diversity of scholarships and research agendas in America, Europe, Japan, and China. The journal includes book reviews that cover publications from mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, France, and the German-speaking areas. In addition, China Information transcends the conventional boundaries between social sciences and humanities and encourages cross-fertilization between disciplines.

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China Information presents timely and in-depth analyses of major developments in contemporary China and overseas Chinese communities in the areas of politics, economics, law, ecology, culture, and society, including literature and the arts. It is refereed academic journal with an international readership indexed in SSCI and Scopus.

China Information pays special attention to views and areas that do not receive sufficient attention in the mainstream discourse on contemporary China. It encourages discussion and debate between different academic traditions, offers a platform to express controversial and dissenting opinions, and promotes research that is historically sensitive and contemporarily relevant.

Tak-Wing Ngo University of Macau
Book Reviews Editors
Francoise Mengin CERI Sciences Po
Yukihito Sato IDE-JETRO
Suzanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik University of Vienna
Wu Yongping Tsinghua University
Ray Yep University of Bristol
Editorial Board
Jean-Pierre Cabestan Hong Kong Baptist University
Timothy Cheek University of British Columbia
Woei-Lien Chong International School of Philosophy ISVW
Flemming Christiansen University of Duisburg-Essen
Jeroen de Kloet University of Amsterdam
Stephan Feuchtwang London School of Economics and Political Science
David S. G. Goodman University of Sydney, Australia
Anne Sytske Keijser Leiden University
Laurence J. C. Ma University of Akron
Colin Mackerras Griffith University
Andrew J Nathan Columbia University
Suzanne Pepper Chinese University of Hong Kong
Frank Pieke Leiden University
Anthony Saich Harvard University
Harro von Senger Swiss Institute of Comparative Law
James D Seymour Columbia University
Jonathan Unger Australian National University
Minna Valjakka University of Helsinki
Benjamin van Rooij University of Amsterdam
Dong Wang Lived Places Publishing
Christine Wong University of Melbourne
R. Bin Wong University of California Los Angeles
Guobin Yang University of Pennsylvania
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