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Contemporary Social and Sociological Theory

Contemporary Social and Sociological Theory
Visualizing Social Worlds

Third Edition

An accessible and provocative survey of contemporary social and sociological theories

January 2013 | 488 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
In the Third Edition of Ken Allan's highly-praised Contemporary Social and Sociological Theory book, sociological theories and theorists are explored using a straightforward approach and conversational, jargon-free language.

Filled with examples drawn from everyday life, this edition highlights diversity in contemporary society, exploring theories of race, gender, and sexuality that address some of today's most important social concerns. Through this textbook students will learn to think theoretically and apply theory to their own lives.

Part I: Introductions
Chapter 1: In the Beginning Was Modernity
Modern Society

Modern Knowledge

Theory: The Key to Modern Knowledge

The Classical Theorists

Complexities of Contemporary Theory


Building Your Theory Toolbox


Chapter 2: Defining Moments in Twentieth-Century Theory - Talcott Parsons and the Frankfurt School
Talcott Parsons: Defining Sociology

The Frankfurt School: The Problem With Sociology

Building Your Theory Toolbox

Part II: Individuals and Situations
Chapter 3: The Language of the Self - Herbert Blumer
Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Emergent Meanings

Concepts and Theory: Self and Action

Concepts and Theory: Society and Sociology


Taking the Perspective: Symbolic Interactionism

Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 4: Imaging the Self - Erving Goffman
The Big Picture: Self-Image

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Impression Management

Concepts and Theory: The Encounter

Concepts and Theory: Frames and Keys

Concepts and Theory: The Interaction Order


Taking the Perspective: Dramaturgy

Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 5: Achieving Social Order - Harold Garfinkel
The Big Picture: Social Constructivism

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Achieving Social Order

Concepts and Theory: Reflexivity


Taking the Perspective: Ethnomethodology

Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 6: Social Exchanges - George Homans, Peter Blau, and Randall Collins
The Big Picture: Agency

Elementary Forms of Social Behavior: George Homans

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Basic Principles of Behavioral Psychology


Social Exchanges and Power: Peter Blau

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Social Exchanges

Concepts and Theory: Creating Power and Social Structures


Ritualized Exchanges: Randall Collins

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Emotion - The Generalized

Concepts and Theory: Interaction Ritual Chains

Concepts and Theory: Ritualizing Stratification


Taking the Perspective: Exchange Theory

Building Your Theory Toolbox

Part III: Social Structures and Systems
The Big Picture: Levels of Analysis

Chapter 7: Structures of Racial and Gender Inequality - William Julius Wilson and Janet Saltzman Chafetz
The Big Picture: Structures

The Declining Significance of Race: William Julius Wilson

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: American Racial History

Concepts and Theory: Policy Implications


Taking the Perspective: American Race Theory

The Structures of Gender Inequality: Janet Saltzman Chafetz

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Coercive Structures of Gender Inequality

Concepts and Theory: Micro-Level Coercive Structures

Concepts and Theory: Changing Gender Inequality


Taking the Perspective: Feminism

Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 8: Structuring Class - Pierre Bourdieu
The Big Picture: Class

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Structuring Class

Concepts and Theory: Replicating Class

Concepts and Theory: Toward a New Sociology


Taking the Perspective: Cultural Embodiment

Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 9: Structures of Power - Michel Foucault
The Big Picture: Power

Theorist's Digest


Taking the Perspective: Dramaturgy

Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 5: Achieving Social Order - Harold Garfinkel
The Big Picture: Social Constructivism

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Achieving Social Order

Concepts and Theory: Reflexivity


Taking the Perspective: Ethnomethodology

Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 6: Social Exchanges - George Homans, Peter Blau, and Randall Collins
The Big Picture: Agency

Elementary Forms of Social Behavior: George Homans

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Basic Principles of Behavioral Psychology


Social Exchanges and Power: Peter Blau

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Social Exchanges

Concepts and Theory: Creating Power and Social Structures


Ritualized Exchanges: Randall Collins

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Emotion - The Generalized

Concepts and Theory: Interaction Ritual Chains

Concepts and Theory: Ritualizing Stratification


Taking the Perspective: Exchange Theory

Building Your Theory Toolbox

Part III: Social Structures and Systems
The Big Picture: Levels of Analysis

Chapter 7: Structures of Racial and Gender Inequality - William Julius Wilson and Janet Saltzman Chafetz
The Big Picture: Structures

The Declining Significance of Race: William Julius Wilson

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: American Racial History

Concepts and Theory: Policy Implications


Taking the Perspective: American Race Theory

The Structures of Gender Inequality: Janet Saltzman Chafetz

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Coercive Structures of Gender Inequality

Concepts and Theory: Micro-Level Coercive Structures

Concepts and Theory: Changing Gender Inequality


Taking the Perspective: Feminism

Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 8: Structuring Class - Pierre Bourdieu
The Big Picture: Class

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Structuring Class

Concepts and Theory: Replicating Class

Concepts and Theory: Toward a New Sociology


Taking the Perspective: Cultural Embodiment

Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 9: Structures of Power - Michel Foucault
The Big Picture: Power

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: The Truth About Truth

Concepts and Theory: The Practices of Power

Concepts and Theory: Disciplining the Body


Taking the Perspective: Poststructuralism

Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 10: World-Systems Theory - Immanuel Wallerstein
The Big Picture: Globalization

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: The Dialectics of Capitalism

Concepts and Theory: The End of the World as We Know It


Taking the Perspective: World-Systems Theory

Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 11: The Network Society - Manual Castells
The Big Picture: Network Society

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Information Technology

Concepts and Theory: Networks, Identities, and Democracy

The Network Society and the Crisis in Democracy


Taking the Perspective: Society Writ Large

Building Your Theory Toolbox

Part IV: Modernity - Possibilities and Problems
The Big Picture: Civil Society and Democracy

Chapter 12: Reason and Democracy - Jürgen Habermas
The Big Picture: Social Change

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Capitalism and Legitimation

Concepts and Theory: The Colonization of Democracy

Concepts and Theory: Hope for Democracy


Taking the Perspective: Critical Theory

Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 13: Civil Society and Democracy - Jeffrey C. Alexander
The Big Picture: Solidarity

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: The New Civil Sphere

Concepts and Theory: Civil Institutions

Concepts and Theory: Civil Society Outcomes


Taking the Perspective: A Strong Program in Cultural Society

Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 14: Runaway Modernity - Anthony Giddens
The Big Picture: Social Ontology

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: The Reality of Society

Making Society and Hiding It

Unconscious Motivation

Concepts and Theory: The Contours of Modernity

Concepts and Theory: The Experience of Modernity


Building Your Theory Toolbox

Part V: Contemporary Political Identities
The Big Picture: Politics of Identities

Chapter 15: Being Black in America - Patricia Hill Collins and Cornel West
The Big Picture: Epistemology

Black Feminism and Intersectionality - Patricia Hill Collins

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: The Standpoint of Black Women

Concepts and Theory: Intersectionality and Matrices of Domination


Commodification of Black Experience - Cornel West

Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: Black Existence in America


Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 16: Text, Power, and Women - Dorothy E. Smith
Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: The Problem With Facts

Concepts and Theory: Lived Experience and Knowing


Building Your Theory Toolbox

Chapter 17: Exposing Sex - Judith Butler
Theorist's Digest

Concepts and Theory: What's the Matter With Bodies?

Concepts and Theory: Haunting, Subversion, and Queer Politics


Taking the Perspective: Poststructuralism and Queer Theory

Building Your Theory Toolbox


Chapter 15 (Postmodernism) deals with the importance of Judith Butler for gender studies (pp. 752-761). I will use this part in my gender and politics lecture.

Political Science, Izmir Katip Celebi University
September 19, 2019

Max Weber (Chapter 4), Critical Theory (Chapter 10), Poststructuralism (Chapter 14)
Postmodernism (Chapter 15), The Global Society (Chapter 16) are important topics for my political sociology course. These chapters give detailed information about these topics.

Political Science, Izmir Katip Celebi University
September 19, 2019

This textbook is the best and most presentation of contemporary theory that I have found. The author writes to students, bringing a wide variety of theoretical ideas into their everyday lives. I have students in graduate school who tell me they continue to refer to this textbook (which they used in their undergrad education).

Dr Linda Derksen
Sociology , Vancouver Island University
October 9, 2014

Overall excellent introductory text for undergraduate students.

NUC Combined Studies, Newham College of Further Education
February 18, 2015

excellent coverage of major contemporary theorists. good reference to key issues such as social structures, agency and globalization. I found building your theory toolbox and concepts and theory features very useful for reinforcing learning.

Dr Mansour Pourmehdi
Department of Sociology, Manchester Metropolitan University
February 16, 2014

An excellent book which explores and develops contemporary ideas in sociology with nuance. Provides a solid underpinning for social science students for undergraduate and post-graduate levels

Applied Social Science (Carlisle), University of Cumbria
January 12, 2014

A great text to get students active in conversation!

Miss Engela Van der klashorst
biokinetics, sport and recreation, University of Pretoria
December 12, 2013

This is a useful text which succinctly reviews sociological theory to support students in thinking through issues such as social structures, class and power. I found the summary sections in each chapter particularly helpful.

Ms Angela Hilton
School of Education, Wolverhampton University
October 31, 2013

A vital resource in teaching undergraduate social theory. Makes a difficult task so much easier. Clear language and full of the relevant information to enhance understanding of difficult concepts.

Mr Michael Mahadeo
Dept of Sociology & Appl'd Soc Studies, Ulster University
June 27, 2013

To basic for this course. But can be used in the Bachelor courses concerning sociology and theories of culture and society

Mr Erik Sloth
Dept Language & Business Communication, Aarhus School of Business
June 21, 2013

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