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Reviewer Rewards

At Sage we value the hard work and dedication of our reviewers, so we are very happy to offer the following rewards every time you review for a Sage journal:

SAGE launches Business Researcher as the first in a series of library business resources

Los Angeles, CA - SAGE is pleased to announce the launch of SAGE Business Researcher which comprises biweekly in-depth reports, data, short articles, expert views, and resources for deeper investigation on the most pressing topics in business and management. SAGE Business Researcher is the first in a suite of resources that draws upon a thorough understanding of business curricula and research to support teaching and to guide students through all stages of undergraduate and graduate careers.

SAGE Publishing and Adam Matthew announce major deal with Egyptian Specialized Presidential Council for Education

London, UK. SAGE Publishing, a leading international disseminator of journals, books and digital media for academic and educational communities, and Adam Matthew, a leading provider of unique primary resource collections, are delighted to announce a partnership with the Egyptian Specialized Presidential Council for Education to provide enhanced research opportunities to the community.

Examining the forces that compel political conduct: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior

What fuels government leaders and constituents into political action, such as attacking the media or marching and protesting, and how do these acts influence political outcomes and public policy debates? What makes democracy appealing to one society and socialism appealing to the country next door? As political passions and polarization escalate, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior launches an exploration into the intersections of psychology, political science, sociology, and human behavior.

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The following information will guide you toward the most efficient path to copyright compliant reuse of Sage content:

SAGE Publishing and the Society for Vascular Ultrasound announce new publishing partnership

SAGE Publishing has today announced a new partnership with the Society for Vascular Ultrasound (SVU) to publish its official publication, the Journal for Vascular Ultrasound (JVU).

A quarterly journal, JVU publishes original scientific and educational articles, case studies, book reviews, technical reviews, reviews of ultrasound principles, letters to the editor, and technical notes.
