Creative Activities for the Early Years
- Stella Skinner - Early Years Teacher and Consultant, Brighton and Hove
'An excellent resource for all those working with young children... jam-packed with exciting, inspirational activities that encourage young children to nurture their creativity and imagination while helping practitioners to facilitate what children do naturally... It is a book that celebrates and encourages original thought and action to support learning through exploration and investigation, recognising that creativity is about representing one's own image and not reproducing someone else's' - Early Years Educator
'[I]nspirational... This book is easy to read, refreshing and exciting, and I would recommend it to all those working with young children. It is also useful for students, clearly articulating the reasons for providing well-organised child-initiated creative opportunities rather than adult-directed activities' - Nursery World
It is an interesting and informative manual aimed at those who work with children in the 3-5 years age range, and is therefore most suited to anyone in a Pre-School or Day Nursery setting, and could also be valuable to a Reception Teacher...over all, I found this to be a very useful book'.
- National Childminding Association
Packed full of exciting ideas and powerful visual aids, this book will help those working with young children to encourage and nurture their creativity and imagination. The book takes examples of what has worked in an early years setting, and transfers these inspirational activities onto the page.
The book includes:
" practical activities in Art, Dance and Music and ideas on how to link them together;
" advice on how to make the most of music, lighting, space and nursery resources;
" showing how the work supports the Foundation Stage Curriculum;
" ideas for cross-curricular work;
" suggestions for recording children's progress;
" advice on how to choose materials, and a list of specialist suppliers.
Everyone involved in working with young children should read this book. Nursery practitioners, early years teachers, Sure Start workers, play workers and Children's Centre staff will find it an invaluable resource. It is also useful for specialist staff in hospitals and other areas of health.
A solid text that supports students new to placement. Helpful creative activities supported by current research and theory. Also helpful in planning ‘next steps’
Great pictures to demonstrate children’s engagement in the activities
A useful resource for students who wish to be hands on practitioners.
Very helpful for a curriculum module, has been recommended to students for purchase
Much more than a range of activities. This book offers great ideas an ideas for extending them.
There is so much here and it's valuable to all teachers and practitioners. Themes, thorough explanations, downloadable activity planning sheets and more. The book has an accompanying website with support and more resources.
It has a clear type face and is very accessible.
Ideas to suppport early years pratitioners
This book has a great layout and a very reader friendly approach.
Some excellent ideas for creative activities and an excellent planning sheet
An interesting book that tries to help the non creative expert gain understanding and confidence in using creativity in early years. Her ideas are clearly set out but I would have enjoyed further illustration and examples of work from the children. A difficult subject handled successfully.
This is a very good text that will support the students to plan activities linked to their placement.
This book is a good base from which to start for new students entering into placement without having the previous vocational experience of nursery or school. The layout of the text gives a clear picture of how and why creativity is essential in the planning of any activities for an early years settings. Many of the planning grids are easy to follow for the novice, and would support those students and practitioners who are continuing to develop their skills. The range of activities are an excellent base on which to value how creativity can be used to enhance all areas of the curriculum. The format is easy to follow and would be a book that would stay on the desk, rather than remain on the shelf. A useful addition to childcare students who are starting on their learning journey.