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Critical Studies in Television

Critical Studies in Television

The International Journal of Television Studies

eISSN: 17496039 | ISSN: 17496020 | Current volume: 19 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Quarterly

Critical Studies in Television publishes articles that draw together divergent disciplines and new ways of thinking, to promote and advance Television Studies as a distinct academic discipline. It welcomes contributions on any aspect of television—production studies and institutional histories, audience and reception studies, theoretical approaches, conceptual paradigms and pedagogical questions. It invites consideration of both terrestrial and streaming services, analyses of the compositional principles and aesthetics of televisual texts, as well as contextual matters relating to both contemporary and past programming and practices of television. CST also features book reviews, dossiers, provocations and debates. The journal is scholarly but accessible, dedicated to generating new knowledge and fostering a dynamic intellectual platform for Television Studies.

CSTonline is updated weekly to include the latest industry and journal news, CFPs, event announcements (conference, symposia), as well as the CST blog, where scholars reflect on the varied, often newer trends and ideas of Television Studies. It also includes up-to-date information about TV archives and resources, where to study and the latest research news.

CST contains a book review section. Publishers wishing to send books for review should contact Tom May at:

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Critical Studies in Television publishes articles that draw together divergent disciplines and different ways of thinking, to promote and advance television as a distinct academic discipline. It welcomes contributions on any aspect of television—production studies and institutional histories, audience and reception studies, theoretical approaches, conceptual paradigms and pedagogical questions. It continues to invite analyses of the compositional principles and aesthetics of texts, as well as contextual matters relating to both contemporary and past productions. CST also features book reviews, dossiers and debates. The journal is scholarly but accessible, dedicated to generating new knowledge and fostering a dynamic intellectual platform for television studies.

CSTonline is updated weekly to include industry and journal news, CFPs, event announcements (conference, symposia), as well as various blogs (where scholars reflect on various aspects of television studies). It also includes information about TV archives and resources, where to study and the latest research news.

Editorial Board
Kim Akass CSTonline, Rowan University, USA
Hannah Andrews Senior Editor, University of Lincoln, UK
Catherine Bessenger In Translation Editor, Aarhus University, DEN
Simone Knox Reading University, UK
Stephen Lacey University of South Wales, UK
Janet McCabe Birkbeck, University of London, UK
Vilde Schanke Sundet University of Oslo, NO
Elke Weissmann Edge Hill University, UK
Editorial Assistants
Will Abiss Victoria University of Wellington, NZ
Robert Watts University of Manchester, UK
Book Review Team
Kevin Geddes Edinburgh Napier University, UK
Christine Geraghty University of Glasgow, UK
David Levente Palatinus Technical University of Liberec / University of Trnava, Slovakia
Tobias Steiner University of Hamburg, GER
Kim Akass CSTonline, Rowan University, USA
In Translation
Catherine Bessenger In Translation Editor, Aarhus University, DEN
Corresponding Editors
Stacy Abbott Northumbria University, UK
Sarah Cardwell University of Kent, UK
John Corner Liverpool University, UK
Glen Creeber Aberystwyth University, UK
Tricia Dunleavey University of Wellington, NZ
Gary R Edgerton Butler University, USA
John Ellis Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Matt Hills University of Huddersfield, UK
Su Holmes University of East Anglia, UK
Douglas L. Howard Suffolk County Community College, USA
Jason Jacobs The University of Queensland, Australia
Deborah Jermyn University of Roehampton, UK
Cathy Johnson University of Leeds, UK
Catherine Johnson University of Huddersfield, UK
Lorna Jowett University of Northampton, UK
Ben Lamb Teesside University, UK
Eleni Liarou Birkbeck, University of London, UK
Ruth McElroy Bangor University, UK
Jamie Medhurst Aberystwyth University, UK
Brett Mills University of Huddersfield, UK
Caitriona Noonan University of Cardiff, UK
Roberta Pearson University of Nottingham, UK
Zoe Shacklock St Andrew’s University, UK
Susan Turnbull University of Wollongong, Australia
Marit Waade Aarhus University, Denmark
Helen Wheatley Warwick University, UK
Helen Wood Lancaster Univeristy, UK
John Wyver University of Westminster, UK
ECREA Television Studies Section Management Team
Susanne Eichner Aarhus University, DEN
Juan Francisco Gutiérrez Lozano University of Málaga, ESP
Berber Hagedoorn University of Groningen, NL, Netherlands
ECREA Advisory Board
Luca Barra Universitá di Bologna, Italy
Milly Buonanno University of Rome, La Sapienza, Italy
Alexander Dhoest University of Antwerp, Belgium
Kai Hanno Schwind Kristiania University College, Norway
Irena Reifová Karls University Prague, Czech Republic
Gry Rustad Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway
Sylwia Szostak University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
Founding Editors
Kim Akass CSTonline, Rowan University, USA
Stephen Lacey University of South Wales, UK
David Lavery Middle Tennessee State University, USA
Janet McCabe Birkbeck, University of London, UK
Robin Nelson Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London, UK
Rhonda V Wilcox Gordon College, USA
  • Clarivate Analytics: Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI)
  • Clarivate Analytics: Current Contents - Arts & Humanities
  • Scopus
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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