Doubling Student Performance
. . . And Finding the Resources to Do It
- Allan R. Odden - University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA
- Sarah J. Archibald - Consortium on Policy and Research in Education
"This book provides examples of urban, suburban, and rural schools and districts that have doubled student performance. These district and school best practices are chronicled throughout this book and accompanied by a series of ten steps to doubling student performance. The authors detail how the reallocation of time and resources contributed to the doubling of student performance."
"The authors strike a balance between research-based practices and evidence from real schools. The chapter outlining the 10 steps was especially useful because it allows the reader to take a mental inventory of what he or she already has under way and what may come next. Three additional chapters—on smaller class size, professional development and extra help for students—serve as case studies with the key concept that funding possibilities are endless when you look for them."
"This is a must-read book for state, district, and school leaders. It reaffirms the good work that is happening in many, many places in our country and describes the strategies and use of resources that make a significant difference in student achievement."
"In my work, I see evidence of the power of good schools to change young lives for the better almost every day. This book takes us behind the doors of unusually high-performing, high-poverty schools to show us how they do that, and where they get the funding to support their programs. The book is a valuable tool for educators who want to improve their results and a reminder to parents and policy makers that we should never expect less."