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International Journal of Aeroacoustics

International Journal of Aeroacoustics

eISSN: 20484003 | ISSN: 1475472X | Current volume: 23 | Current issue: 7-8 Frequency: 8 Times/Year

Aeroacoustics is a growing area and has received fresh emphasis due to advances in air, ground and space transportation. Significant advances in aeroacoustics are required for reducing community and cabin noise from subsonic aircraft and to prepare for the possible large scale entry of supersonic aircraft into civil aviation. The use of high thrust producing engines on military aircraft has raised numerous concerns about exposure of aircraft carrier personnel and sonic fatigue failure of aircraft structures. In the ground transportation arena efforts are currently under way to minimize the aerodynamic noise from automobiles and high speed trains. Finally, space launch vehicle noise if uncontrolled can cause serious structural damage to the spacecraft and payload.

In addition, with the proliferation of space flight, launch vehicle noise can also become a significant environmental issue. It has become increasingly important to address all of the above noise issues in order to minimize the noise impact of advances in transportation. New research needs to be conducted and effectively communicated, in order to meet higher levels of noise certification and to pre-empt further regulatory burdens.

The topic is, of course, not new. But it has been the case that published aeroacoustics research has been scattered among numerous journals and conference proceedings, not all of them readily accessible. It is in order to draw this work together in one publication, and to reflect the growing importance of the subject, that the International Journal of Aeroacoustics has been established.

The Editor, Ganesh Raman, is ably supported in his work by a distinguished editorial board. These leading figures assist him in the thorough peer-review process, which ensures that only the highest quality work is published in the International journal of Aeroacoustics.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

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International Journal of Aeroacoustics is a peer-reviewed journal publishing developments in all areas of fundamental and applied aeroacoustics. Fundamental topics include advances in understanding aeroacoustics phenomena; applied topics include all aspects of civil and military aircraft, automobile and high speed train aeroacoustics, and the impact of acoustics on structures. As well as original contributions, state of the art reviews and surveys will be published.

Subtopics include, among others, jet mixing noise; screech tones; broadband shock associated noise and methods for suppression; the near-ground acoustic environment of Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing (STOVL) aircraft; weapons bay aeroacoustics, cavity acoustics, closed-loop feedback control of aeroacoustic phenomena; computational aeroacoustics including high fidelity numerical simulations, and analytical acoustics.

Dr. Ganesh Raman California State University, USA
Editorial Board – North America
Srinavasan Arunajatesan Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Thomas Brooks NASA Langley Research Center, USA
Alan B. Cain Innovative Technology Applications Company, USA
Edmane Envia NASA Glenn Research Center, USA
Stewart A. L. Glegg Florida Atlantic University, USA
Marvin E. Goldstein NASA Glenn Research Center, USA
Michael S. Howe Boston University, USA
Edward Kerschen University of Arizona, USA
Valdis Kibens The Boeing Company (retired), USA
Anastasios S. Lyrintzis Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, USA
Reda R. Mankbadi Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, USA
Lourdes O. Maurice Federal Aviation Administration, USA
Dennis K. McLaughlin Pennsylvania State University, USA
Jeffrey M. Mendoza United Technologies Research Center, USA
Luc Mongeau McGill University, Canada
Phillip J. Morris Pennsylvania State University, USA
Anthony R. Pilon Lockheed Martin, USA
Alan Powell University of Houston, USA
Ramons Reba Pratt & Whitney, United Technologies Research Center, USA
Simon Richards General Electric Global Research Center, USA
Paul T. Soderman NASA Ames Research Center (retired), USA
K. Viswanathan The Boeing Company, USA
Editorial Board – Europe
Gareth J Bennett University of Dublin, Ireland
Ingo U. Borchers European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company, Germany
Harry H. Brouwer National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, Netherlands
Luis B. Campos ISR Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Jan Delfs German Aerospace Center, Germany
Charles Hirsch Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium
Csaba Horváth Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Peter Jordan CNRS / University of Poitiers / ENSMA, France
Daniel Juvé Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France
Victor F. Kopiev Central Aerohydrodynamics Institute, Russia
Tatiana K. Kozubskaya Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russia
Pierre Lempereur Airbus, France
Luigi Morino Universita degli Studi Roma Tre, Italy
Nigel Peake Cambridge University, UK
Christoph Reichl Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
Wolfgang Schröder RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Xin Zhang University of Southampton, UK
Editorial Board – Australia
Daniel Edgington-Mitchell Monash University, Australia
Editorial Board – Asia
A. R. Acharya Indian Institute of Science, India
Xun Huang Peking University, China
Shojiro Kaji Teikyo University, Japan
Randolph C. K. Leung Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Xiaodong Li Beihang University, China
Young J. Moon Korea University, South Korea
M. Ravindranath Nayak National Aerospace Laboratories, India
K. Srinavasan Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India
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