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Journal of International Marketing

Journal of International Marketing

Published in Association with American Marketing Association

eISSN: 15477215 | ISSN: 1069031X | Current volume: 32 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Quarterly
Journal of International Marketing is an international, peer-reviewed journal that is dedicated to advancing international marketing practice, research, and theory. Contributions addressing any aspect of international marketing are welcome. The journal presents scholarly and managerially relevant articles on international marketing. Aimed at both international marketing/business scholars and practitioners at senior- and mid-level international marketing positions, the journal's prime objective is to bridge the gap between theory and practice in international marketing.

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JIM focuses on marketing topics within an international context. In JIM, international marketing is conceptualized within two general domains: (1) international (i.e., when marketing activities occur across national boundaries) or (2) cross-cultural (i.e., when comparisons regarding marketing-related issues are made across national boundaries). Both the editor and the reviewers are less positive to studies that are not deemed as fitting within one of these two general domains (e.g., a study of Chinese consumer perceptions of Chinese brands). If an approach outside the two general domains is undertaken in a study, it is incumbent on the authors to clearly demonstrate the importance of the work to the field of international marketing.

JIM publishes articles about business enterprises engaged in international marketing, such as manufacturers, service firms, intermediaries, trading companies, franchisors, licensors, and facilitators in international business (e.g., freight forwarders). Equal attention is given to small and large company players (e.g., multinational corporations) as well as to all modes of international business entry (e.g., exporting, contractual arrangements, direct investment). Discussion of newer forms of cross-border business activity, such as strategic alliances and global sourcing, is also encouraged. JIM also aims to advance the exploration of issues that include the implications of customer orientation in multinational business, cross-cultural market segmentation, and market research.

Editor in Chief
Aysegül Özsomer Koç University, Turkey
Vice President of Publications
Roland Rust University of Maryland, USA
Advisory Board
Robin Coulter University of Connecticut, USA
David Griffith Texas A&M University, USA
Satish Jayachandran University of South Carolina, USA
V. Kumar Brock University, Canada
Donald R. Lehmann Columbia University, USA
Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Russ Winer New York University, USA
Associate Editors
S. Cem Bahadir Florida International University, USA
Vasileios (Bill) Davvetas University of Leeds, UK
Amir Grinstein Northeastern University, USA
Daekwan Kim Florida State University, USA
Peter Magnusson University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USA
Timo Mandler TBS Education, France
Babu John Mariadoss Texas Tech University, USA
Petra Riefler University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria
Matthew Robson Cardiff University, UK
Carlos M.P. Sousa Molde University College, Norway
Yuliya Strizhakova Rutgers University, USA
Shaoming Zou University of Missouri - Columbia, USA
Editorial Review Board
James Agarwal University of Calgary, Canada
Lyn Amine St. Louis University, USA
Kersi Antia Western University, Canada
Abdul R. Ashraf Brock University, Canada
Preet Aulakh York University, Canada
Bilge Aykol Dokuz Eylül University, Turkey
George Balabanis City University London, UK
Sourindra Banerjee University of Leeds, UK 
Justina Baršyte Vilnius University, Lithuania
Fabian Bartsch Montpellier Business School, France
Brittney Bauer Loyola University Chicago, USA
Sundar Bharadwaj University of Georgia, USA
Benjamin Boeuf IESEG School of Management, France
Josko Brakus University of Leeds, UK
Keith Brouthers King’s College, London, UK
S Tamer Cavusgil Georgia State University, USA
Brian Chabowski University of Tulsa, USA
Deepa Chandrasekaran University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
Sylvie Chetty University of Otago, New Zealand
Annie Peng Cui West Virginia University, USA
Adamantios Diamantopoulos University of Vienna, Austria
Claudiu Dimofte San Diego State University, Etats-Unis
Meike Eilert University of Kentucky, USA
Anton Fenik Grand Valley State University, USA
John Ford Old Dominion University, USA
Peter Gabrielsson University of Vaasa, Finland
Gerald Yong Gao University of Missouri - St. Louis, USA
Hongzhi Gao Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
David Gilliland Colorado State University, USA
Gary Gregory University of New South Wales, Australia
Andreas Grein Baruch College, USA
Verena Gruber EMLYON Business School, France
Abhijit Guha University of South Carolina, USA
Xiaoling Guo University of International Business and Economics, China
Shaphali Gupta Management Development Institute, Gurgaon, India
Zeynep Gürhan-Canli Koç University, Turkey
Francisco Guzman University of North Texas, USA
Georgios Halkias Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Jan Heide University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Neil Herndon Retired Marketing Professor, Hong Kong
Mikael Hilmersson Linnaeus University, Sweden
Magnus Hultman Brock University, Canada
Fernando Jiménez University of Texas at El Paso, USA
Brett Josephson George Mason University, USA
Alexander Josiassen Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Jung S. Kim Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, USA
Ahmet Kirca Michigan State University, USA
Gary Knight Willamette University, USA
Nicole Koschate-Fischer Universität Erlangen–Nürnberg, Germany
Thomas Kramer University of California, Riverside, USA
Alexander Krasnikov Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan
Hannah Lee Miami University, USA
Richard Lee University of South Australia, Australia
Constantinos N. Leonidou University of Leeds, UK
Leonidas Leonidou University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Oscar Martín Martín Public University of Navarra, Spain
Bruce Money Brigham Young University, USA
Neil Morgan University of Wisconsin, USA
Robert Morgan Cardiff University, UK
Susan Mudambi Temple University, USA
Janet Murray University of Missouri - St. Louis, USA
Giuseppe Musarra University of Leeds, UK
Cheryl Nakata University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA
Pravin Nath Clemson University, USA
Nandini Nim Colorado State University, USA
Jaime Noriega University of Houston, USA
Peren Ozturan Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Anita Pansari Michigan State University, USA
Nicolas Papadopoulos Carleton University, Canada
Ravi Pappu University of Queensland, Australia
Audhesh Paswan University of North Texas, USA
Kay Peters University of Hamburg, Germany
Alexander Rusetski York University, Canada
Ruta Ruzeviciute University of Tennessee, USA
Saeed Samiee University of Tulsa, USA
Bodo Schlegelmilch Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Matthew Shaner University of Mississippi, USA
Amalesh Sharma Texas A&M University, USA
Linda Hui Shi University of Victoria, Canada
Rebecca Slotegraaf Indiana University, USA
Stavroula Spyropoulou University of Leeds, UK
Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Scott Swain Clemson University, USA
Charles R. Taylor Villanova University, USA
Felipe Thomaz University of Oxford, UK
Narongsak Thongpapanl Brock University, Canada
Annette Tower Clemson University, USA
P. Rajan Varadarajan Texas A&M University, USA
Kevin Voss Oklahoma State University, USA
Jack Wei University of West Georgia, USA
Stanford Westjohn University of Alabama, USA
Scott Widmier Kennesaw State University, USA
Yazhen (Sophie) Xiao Portland State University, USA
Goksel Yalcinkaya University of New Hampshire, USA
Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Srdan Zdravkovic Bryant University, USA
Katharina Zeugner-Roth SKEMA Business School, France
Haisu Zhang New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
AMA Editorial Staff
Bennie F. Johnson Chief Executive Officer
Matt Weingarden Exceutive Vice President, Communities and Journals
Marilyn Stone Director, Academic Communities and Journals
Michelle Kritselis Publisher, Academic Communities and Journals
T.J. Anderson Academic Content Manager
Jess Barselow Production Editor
Karin Horler Senior Copy Editor
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