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The City: Post-Modernity

The City: Post-Modernity

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

December 2017 | 1 456 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Part One: Cities and the New Global Economy
“Chinatown”, Part Two? The ‘Internationalization’ of Downtown Los Angeles

M. Davis
Los Angeles as Postmodern Urbanism

M. Dear and S. Flusty
European Cities, the Informational Society, and the Global Economy

M. Castells
The City as an Entertainment Machine

R. Lloyd and T.N. Clark
A Flexible City of Strangers

R. Sennett
Part Two: Theorising Global and World Cities
Leading World Cities: Empirical Evaluations of Urban Nodes in Multiple Networks

P.J. Taylor
Locating Cities on Global Circuits

S. Sassen
The Ordinary City

A. Amin and S. Graham
Theses on Urbanization

N. Brenner
Mexico: Cultural Globalization in a Disintegrating City

N.G. Canclini
Super-Diverse Street: A ‘Trans-Ethnography’ across Migrant Localities

S.M. Hall
Part Three: Neoliberalism, Globalisation, and Policy Mobility
Neoliberalism as Creative Destruction

D. Harvey
New Globalism, New Urbanism: Gentrification as Global Urban Strategy

N. Smith
Neoliberal Urbanism: Models, Moments, Mutations

J. Peck, N. Theodore and N. Brenner
Expertise, Truth, and Urban Policy Mobilities: Global Circuits of Knowledge in the Development of Vancouver, Canada’s ‘Four Pillar’ Drug Strategy

E.J. McCann
Part One: Urban Lifestyles, Gentrification and New Urban Spaces
Flexible Accumulation through Urbanization: Reflections on ‘Post Modernism’ in the American City

D. Harvey
Artists, Aestheticisation and the Field of Gentrification

D. Ley
Consuming Authenticity: From Outposts of Difference to Means of Exclusion

S. Zukin
Part Two: Cultural Economies
Bohemia and Economic Geography

R. Florida
Creative Cities: Conceptual Issues and Policy Questions

A.J. Scott
Urban Development and the Politics of a Creative Class: Evidence from a Study of Artists

A. Markusen
Part Three: Urban Spectacle
Landscape as Spectacle: World’s Fairs and the Culture of Heroic Consumption

D. Ley and K. Olds
Appropriating the Spectacle: Play and Politics in a Leisure Landscape

Q. Stevens and K. Dovey
Part Four: Urbanity, Sociality and Consumption
Urbanity, Lifestyle and Making Sense of the New Urban Cultural Economy: Notes from Auckland, New Zealand

A. Latham
Transposing the Urban to the Mall: Routes, Relationships, and Resistance in Two Santiago, Chile, Shopping Centers

J. Stillerman and R. Salcedo
The Magic of the Marketplace: Sociality in a Neglected Public Space

S. Watson
Part Five: New Geographies of Urban Exclusion
Fortified Enclaves: The New Urban Segregation

T.P. Caldeira
Neighbourhood Effects and Cultural Exclusion

H. Bauder
Territorial Stigmatization in the Age of Advanced Marginality

L. Wacquant
The Cosmopolitan Canopy

E. Anderson
Part One: Re-Thinking Urban Comparison
The Legitimacy of Comparisons in Comparative Urban Studies: A Theoretical Position and an Application to North African Cities

J. Abu-Lughod
The Times and Spaces of Modernity (or Who Needs Postmodernism?)

A.D. King
Thinking Cities through Elsewhere: Comparative Tactics for a More Global Urban Studies

J. Robinson
Hybrid Gentrification in South Africa: Theorising across Southern and Northern Cities

C. Lemanski
Part Two: Citizenship and Innovations in Living Together
Insurgent Citizenship in an Era of Global Urban Peripheries

J. Holston
The Porto Alegre Experiment and Deliberative Democratic Theory

G. Baiocchi
Living Dangerously: Biopolitics and Urban Citizenship in Bogotá, Colombia

A. Zeiderman
Deep Democracy: Urban Governmentality and the Horizon of Politics

A. Appadurai
Part Three: Planning and Governance
Why India Cannot Plan Its Cities: Informality, Insurgence and the Idiom of Urbanization

A. Roy
China’s Changing Urban Governance in the Transition towards a More Market-Oriented Economy

F. Wu
Part Four: Postcolonial Urban Materialities
People as Infrastructure: Intersecting Fragments in Johannesburg

A. Simone
The City as Assemblage: Dwelling and Urban Space

C. McFarlane
Postcolonialising Informality?

A. Varley
The Metonymic Urbanism of Twenty-First-Century Mumbai

A. Harris
Haussmannization in the Tropics: Abject Urbanism and Infrastructural Violence in Nicaragua

D. Rodgers
Part One: Theorising Materiality
Cyborg Urbanization: Complexity and Monstrosity in the Contemporary City

M. Gandy
Moving Cities: Rethinking the Materialities of Urban Geographies

A. Latham and D. McCormack
The Good City

A. Amin
Out of Order Understanding Repair and Maintenance

S. Graham and N. Thrift
Part Two: Mobility, Bodies, Affect
Encountering Stressed Bodies: Slow Creep Transformations and Tipping Points of Commuting Mobilities

D. Bissell
Things at Work: Informal Social-Material Mechanisms for Getting the Job Done

H. Molotch and N. Mcclain
‘But Malice Aforethought’: Cities and the Natural History of Hatred

N. Thrift
Part Three: Digital and Smart Cities
The Real-Time City? Big Data and Smart Urbanism

R. Kitchin
Extract from Me++: The Cyborg Self and the Networked City

W.J. Mitchell
Part Four: Co-Producing Knowledge about Urban Environments
Community Knowledge in Environmental Health Science: Co-Producing Policy Expertise

J. Corburn
Living Roofs and Brownfield Wildlife: Towards a Fluid Biogeography of UK Nature Conservation

J. Lorimer
Part Five: Cities and the Anthropocene
Global Forecasts of Urban Expansion to 2030 and Direct Impacts on Biodiversity and Carbon Pools

K.C. Seto, B. Güneralp and L.R. Hutyra
Cities and the Multilevel Governance of Global Climate Change

M.M. Betsill and H. Bulkeley
Part Six: New Models of Cities and Complexity
The Size, Scale, and Shape of Cities

M. Batty
Growth, Innovation, Scaling, and the Pace of Life in Cities

L.M. Bettencourt, J. Lobo, D. Helbing, C. Kühnert and G.B. West
Extract from A New Philosophy of Society: Assemblage Theory and Social Complexity

M. DeLanda