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Building Acoustics

Building Acoustics

eISSN: 20598025 | ISSN: 1351010X | Current volume: 31 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Quarterly
Building Acoustics is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal concerned with acoustics in the built environment. The goal of the journal is to be the main publishing option for authors writing on building acoustics and related topics, as well as a forum to integrate the relevant research community of the field. Potential readers are scientists, consultants, engineers, architects, builders and representatives of public bodies carrying out research and development in the field of acoustical aspects of buildings. There is an emphasis on the application of new knowledge and the provision of information useful to the practitioner.

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Building Acoustics is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal concerned with acoustics in the built environment. The goal of the journal is to be the main publishing option for authors writing on building acoustics and related topics, as well as a forum to integrate the relevant research community of the field. Potential readers are scientists, consultants, engineers, architects, builders and representatives of public bodies carrying out research and development in the field of acoustical aspects of buildings. There is an emphasis on the application of new knowledge and the provision of information useful to the practitioner.
Interdisciplinary studies, correlating the acoustical aspects of buildings with their thermal or lighting performance, are also welcome.

The contents include contributions on room acoustics, sound absorption and sound insulation in buildings, acoustic materials, vibration in buildings, according to the following topics:

  • Sound transmission in buildings: prediction, measurement and control;
  • Airborne sound insulation in buildings;
  • Structureborne and impact sound in buildings;
  • Measurement methods in building and room acoustics;
  • Computational techniques in building acoustics;
  • Façade sound insulation;
  • Acoustics in lightweight buildings;
  • Vibroacoustics and vibrations in buildings;
  • Ground-borne vibration and sound into buildings;
  • Acoustic materials: insulating materials, damping materials, porous materials, perforated materials;
  • Innovative acoustic materials: sustainable and green materials, metamaterials and sonic crystals;
  • Acoustical design in architecture;
  • Room acoustics and evaluation of the acoustical quality of buildings;
  • Computational techniques in room acoustics;
  • Perception of auralized spaces;
  • Acoustics of educational facilities/classroom acoustics;
  • Hall and auditorium acoustics;
  • Acoustics in open plan offices;
  • Speech and communication in buildings;
  • Soundscapes of buildings and built environment;
  • Acoustic regulations and classification for new, existing and retrofitted buildings.

Article types considered include Original Research, Reviews, and Case Studies. The journal operates a conventional single-blind reviewing policy in which the reviewer’s name is always concealed from the authors.

Editor in Chief
Prof. Francesco Asdrubali Roma Tre University, Italy
Assistant Editors
Luca Evangelisti Università Niccolò Cusano, Italy
Claudia Guattari Roma Tre University, Italy
Associate Editors
Dr. Michael Kingan University of Auckland, New Zealand
Louena Shtrepi Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Editorial Board
Francesco Aletta University College London, UK
Arianna Astolfi Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Mike Barron University of Bath, UK
Densil Cabrera The University of Sydney, Australia
George Dodd University of Auckland, New Zealand
Papatya Nur Dökmeci Yörükoglu Cankaya University, Turkey
Samir Gerges Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil
Eddy Gerretsen TNO Science and Industry, Netherlands
Barry Gibbs University of Liverpool, UK
Luis Godinho University of Coimbra, Portugal
Paola Gori Roma Tre University, Italy
Emmanuel Gourdon ENTPE, France
Jean-Philippe Groby Laboratoire d 'Acoustique de l'Universite du Maine, France
Kirill Horoshenkov University of Sheffield, UK
Siu-Kit Lau National University of Singapore, Singapore
Trevor Nightingale National Research Council Canada, Canada
Jaime Ramis-Soriano Universidad de Alicante, Spain
Simone Torresin EURAC, Italy
Volker Wittstock Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany
Hui Xie Chongqing University, China
  • Clarivate Analytics: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
  • Ei Compendex
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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