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Chinese Journal of Transnational Law

Chinese Journal of Transnational Law

Published in Association with Wuhan University
Other Titles in:
International Law | Law (General)

eISSN: 2753412X | ISSN: 2753412X | Current volume: 1 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: Bi-annually
The Chinese Journal of Transnational Law is a unique forum for original peer-reviewed work on transnational law, broadly defined to cover any legal field possessing a cross-border element. Adopting a problem-oriented approach, this journal is not limited to any specific methodology, discipline, geographic boundary, scope and view. It particularly aims to reflect the diverse views in different legal regions. CJTL is published under the auspices of Wuhan University Institute of International Law.

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The Chinese Journal of Transnational Law is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal that aims to address global challenges from the perspective of transnational law, which is broadly defined to cover international law (public and private), international economic law, comparative law, the interaction between domestic and international law, and any other legal field possessing a cross-border element. This journal embraces relevant submissions from different cultures and regions and attracts readers from the global, regional and Chinese markets. The journal shall be open to not only traditional doctrinal and theoretical legal research on transnational law, but also contextual and inter-disciplinary research. Although focused on contemporary matters in its aspiration to be a forum for the latest debates on transnational legal studies, it also considers submissions inspired by in-depth historical perspectives that cast new light on present developments. The CJTL covers broad topics including but not limited to:

  • Innovative transnational dispute resolution, including both state-to-state and private dispute resolution mechanisms and the impact of culture, psychology, language and geopolitics on dispute resolution;
  • Transnational trade, investment and economic governance;
  • Transnational family law and the wellbeing of children, including surrogacy, child abduction and same sex marriage in the cross-border context;
  • Transnational regulation of technology;
  • Transnational corporate responsibility and governance;
  • Transnational protection of private rights in tort and transactions;
  • Transnational law and development;
  • Transnational law and global health governance;
  • Transnational environment protection and climate change;
  • Transnational criminal law;
  • Unilateral sanctions, extraterritorial regulations and blocking law.

Zheng Sophia Tang Wuhan University, China
Ignacio de la Rasilla Wuhan University, China
Associate Editors
Tong Qi Wuhan University, China
Jinyuan Su Wuhan University, China
Lei Zhu Wuhan University, China
Yayezi Hao Wuhan University, China
Managing Editor
Zixin Meng Wuhan University, China
Editorial Board Members
Bjorn Ahl University of Cologne, Germany
Joaquin Alcaide Seville University, Spain
Freya Baetens Oxford University, UK
Ilias Bantekas Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar
Congyan Cai Fudan University, China
Adeline Chong Singapore Management University, Singapore
Ming Du University of Durham, UK
George Galindo University of Brasilia – ILC, Brazil
Qisheng He Peking University, China
Yenkong N. Hodu Manchester University, UK
Jie Huang Sydney University, Australia
Zhengxin Huo China University of Politics and Law, China
Mary Keyes Griffith University, Australia
Nico Krisch The Graduate Institute, Geneva, Switzerland
Frédéric Mégret McGill University, Canada
Jianqiang Nie Wuhan University, China
Michaels Ralf Max Planck Institute, Hamburg, Germany
Giesela Ruhl Humboldt University, Germany
Guangjian Tu Macau University, Macau, China
Jiangyu Wang Hong Kong City University, China
Shen Wei Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
International Scientific Advisory Board
Karen Alter Northwestern University, USA
Paul Beaumont University of Stirling, UK
Jose Beneyto University San Pablo CEU, Madrid, Spain
Simon Chesterman National University of Singapore, Singapore
Huikang Huang Wuhan University – ILC, China
Jin Huang China University of Politics and Law, Beijing, China
Marcelo Kohen The Graduate Institute, Geneva, Switzerland
Christian Mestre Wuhan University, China
Roger O’Keefe Bocconi University, Italy
Anne Peters Max Planck Institute, Heidelberg, Germany
Hélène Ruiz-Fabri Max Planck Institute, Luxembourg, Germany
Symeon C. Symeonides Willamette University, USA
Jorge Viñuales Cambridge University, UK
Yongping Xiao Wuhan University, China
Jinsong Yu Renmin University, China
Peer Zumbansen McGill University, Canada

Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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