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Michelle C. Bligh Claremont Graduate University, USA

Michelle Bligh is Dean of the School of Social Science, Policy, and Evaluation and a Professor of Organizational Behavior at Claremont Graduate University in Claremont, California. Her research interests focus on charismatic leadership, gender, interpersonal influence, and followership. She has been published in over two dozen academic journals, and she was recognized by The Leadership Quarterly as one of the top 50 most cited authors of the last decade. She also serves on the Editorial Review Boards of The Leadership Quarterly and Group and Organization Management and as Associate Editor of Leadership. Dr. Bligh has taught leadership and change management around the globe, including Europe, Asia, North America, and Latin America. She regularly consults with organizations in the areas of leadership development, followership, organizational culture, and change management in a variety of industries, including law enforcement, finance, healthcare, and real estate.