Welcome to PAR for Educational Leaders
1. The Participatory Action Research Model
Section 1: PAR---A Tool for Change
PAR as a Tool for Educational Leadership
Section 2: Research and Action in the PAR Process
Section 3: Participatory Research as a Tool to Address Adaptive Change
An Example of PAR Use in the Classroom
Task 1.1: Beginning a Reflective Journal
2. The Tenets of PAR: Ethics, Purpose, and Logic
Task 2.1: The Formation of an Ethical Plan for PAR Projects
Section 2: The Power of Purpose
Format for Purpose Statements
Task 2.2: Multiple Journal Entries Define Purpose
Task 2.3: Planning Your First Draft of Your Logic Model
3. Starting to Research
Section 1: Asking Good Research Questions
Task 3.1: PAR Practitioners Reflect On and Share Their Initials Ideas for Research Questions
Task 3.2: Surfacing Assumptions
Section 2: Informal and Formal Reviews of Literature
Task 3.3: The Mini "Lit Review"
Section 3: A Brief Overview of the Basic Research Methods
Task 3.4: Reflective Journal Practice
4. Qualitative Data Collection
How Is Qualitative Evidence Useful?
What Makes Qualitative Evidence Difficult?
Section 1: Qualitative Data Collection Methods
Data Collected Directly in Words From People: Interviews and Focus Groups
Data Collected Through a Process of Change: Reflective Data/Field Notes/Anecdotal Accounts
Data Collected During the Event(s) Being Studied: Observations/Student Work/Logs
Task 4.1: Collecting a Variety of Qualitative Data
Section 2: Maximum Success and Rigor
Managing Time and Resources
How to Make It More Rigorous
Introduction to Mixed Methodology
Task 4.2: Data-Planning Matrix
5. Qualitative Analysis
Section 1: Stages in Analyzing Qualitative Evidence
Rubrics and Multiple Observers
Similarities and Differences
Section 2: Validity, Credibility, and Reliability in the Analysis of Qualitative Data
Task 5.1: Practice Analysis of Data
6. Quantitative Evidence
Section 1: Questions Answered by Quantitative and Mixed Methods Evidence
Observations and Time Studies
Surveys or Questionnaires
Section 2: Quantitative Data Collection
Questionnaires or Surveys
Section 3: Analysis and Statistical Information
Task 6.1: Preliminary Quantitative Analysis
7. Taking and Measuring Action
Section 1: How to Know What Actions to Take
Three Continuums of Action
The Continuum of Actions From Emancipatory to Professional Development
The Continuum From the Individual to the Organizational
Examples of PAR to Foster School Improvement
Teachers or Support Staff in a Classroom or Whole-School Setting
Whole Schools or School Districts
Section 2: Efforts at Change
Task 7.1: Analyzing Force Fields and Defensive Behaviors
Determining Variables With Which to Measure Short-Term Outcomes
8. Cycles of PAR: The Power of the Iterative Process
Section 2: Iterative Growth
Time Line and Group Process for Significant Success
Task 8.1: Using the Forward Planner
Section 3: Theoretical Understanding Bolsters Action and Visa Versa
9. Final Analysis and Results
Standards for the Final Analysis
My "Real" World--or Yours?
Theory Building and Testing
Reporting the Analysis Process to Others
Task 9.1: Building a Preliminary Report on the Analysis Process for Others
Section 2: Credible Interpretation
Section 4: Passionate Conclusions
Task 9.2: One Sentence and Three Words
10. The Final Report
Section 1: The Formal Report
The Formal Academic Report
Section 2: The Formal Presentation
Content and How to Present It
Section 3: The Informal Individual Report
Section 4: The Community Report
11. PAR for Educational Leadership
Section 1: A Creative Tool in Environments of Chaos and Complexity
Counteracting Educator Mobility
Inclusion: Both/And Rather Than Either/Or
Prediction: The Study of Outliers
Section 2: A Tool for Adaptive Leadership
Creating a Holding Environment
Avoiding Implementation Failure
Section 3: PAR and Educational Reform Efforts
Professional Learning Communities and Communities of Practice
The Development of an Inclusive Leadership Structure
About the Authors