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The Handbook of Social Research Ethics

The Handbook of Social Research Ethics

First Edition

October 2008 | 688 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
The Handbook of Social Research Ethics is the first comprehensive volume of its kind to offer a deeper understanding of the history, theory, philosophy, andáimplementation of applied social research ethics. Much of the literature surrounding research ethics originates from or focuses on medical or related health science issues involving human subject research. Yet, the intricacies of social research often raises ethical concerns and issues that are unique to or requiring further contextualization to general research ethics topics, guidelines, and practices. This volume brings together eminent, international scholars across the social and behavioral sciences and education to address those ethical issues that arise in the theory and practice of research within the technologically advancing and culturally complex world in which we live. In addition, ethical dilemmas that arise in the relationship between research practice and social justice issues are examined. The guiding themes used throughout the volume include: Defining and exploring the role(s) of ethics in research from a multi-disciplinary perspective; Making explicit the differing ethical emphases entailed by differing research traditions; Locating ethical concerns within research practice; Elucidating how each of the above influences the relationship between good ethical practice and good research practice. This reference is an invaluable resource to graduate students, professors, researchers, and practitioners of various kinds of social and behavioral research.
Karen S. Kitchener and Richard F. Kitchener
1. Social Science Research Ethics: Historical and Philosophical Issues
Joshua W. Clegg and Brent Slife
2. Research Ethics in the Postmodern Context
Mary M. Brabeck and Kalina M. Brabeck
3. Feminist Perspectives on Research Ethics
Veronica G. Thomas
4. Critical Race Theory: Ethics and Dimensions of Diversity in Research
Martin Sullivan
5. Philosophy, Ethics, and the Disability Community
Donna M. Mertens, Raychelle Harris and Heidi Holmes
6. Transformative Research and Ethics
Linda Mabry
7. Governmental Regulation in Social Science
Richard Speiglman and Patricia Spear
8. The Role of Institutional Review Boards: Ethics: Now You See Them, Now You Don't
Joan LaFrance and Cheryl Crazy Bull
9. Researching Ourselves Back to Life: Taking Control of the Research Agenda in Indian Country
Yvonna Lincoln
10. Ethical Practices in Qualitative Research
Amanda Wolf, David Turner, and Kathleen Toms
11. Ethical Perspectives in Program Evaluation
Richard Schwartz
12. On Ethics in Social Science Research
Mel Mark and Chris Gamble
13. Experiments, Quasi-Experiments, and Ethics
David Johnson and Merry Bullock
14. The Ethics of Data Archiving: Issues From Four Perspectives
Anne Ryen
15. Ethnography: Constitutive Practice and Research Ethics
Mary Brydon Miller
16. Covenantal Ethics and Action Research: Exploring a Common Foundation for Social Research
Colin Irwin
17. Research Ethics and Peacemaking
Hazel Symonette
18. Cultivating Self as Responsive Instrument: Working the Boundaries and Borderlands for Ethical Border Crossings
Peggy Gabo Ntseane
19. The Ethics of the Researcher-Subject Relationship: Experiences From the Field
Fiona Cram
20. Maintaining Indigenous Voices
David Matsumoto and Carolyn Jones
21. Ethical Issues in Cross-Cultural Psychology
Linda Silka
22. Partnership Ethics
Julianne H. Newton
23. Visual Representation of People and Information: Translating Lives Into Numbers, Words, and Images as Research Data
Bruce Brown and Dawson Hedges
24. Use and Misuse of Quantitative Methods: Data Collection, Calculation, and Presentation
Katrina Bledsoe and Rodney Hopson
25. Conducting Ethical Research and Evaluation in Underserved Communities
Bagele Chilisa
26. Indigenous African-Centered Ethics: Contesting and Complementing Dominant Models
Divya Sharma
27. Research Ethics and Sensitive Behaviors: Underground Economy
Helen Moewaka Barnes, Tim McCreanor, Shane Edwards, and Belinda Borell
28. Epistemological Domination: Social Science Research Ethics in Aotearoa
Colin Barnes
29. An Ethical Agenda in Disability Research: Rhetoric or Reality?
Sarah Dodd
30. LGBTQ: Protecting Vulnerable Subjects in All Studies
Luis Vargas and Margaret E. Montoya
31. Involving Minors in Research: Ethics and Law Within Multicultural Settings
Karen Szala-Meneok
32. Ethical Research With Older Adults
Robert Stake and Fazal Rizvi
33. Research Ethics in Transnational Spaces
Nicholas C. Burbules
34. Privacy and New Technologies: The Limits of Traditional Research Ethics
Celia B. Fisher, Frederick J. Wertz, and Sabrina J. Goodman
35. Graduate Training in Responsible Conduct of Social Science Research: The Role of Mentors and Departmental Climate
Kenneth Howe and Heather MacGillivary
36. Social Research Attuned to Deliberative Democracy
Pauline E. Ginsberg and Donna M. Mertens
37. Frontiers in Social Research Ethics: Fertile Ground for Evolution
Julianne Newton
An Ethical Agenda in Disability Research
Julianne Newton
Conducting Ethical Research and Evaluation in Underserved Communities
Julianne Newton
Covenantal Ethics and Action Research
Julianne Newton
Critical Race Theory: Ethics and Dimensions of Diversity in Research
Julianne Newton
Cultivating Self as Responsive Instrument: Working the Boundaries and Borderlands for Ethical Border-Crossings
Julianne Newton
Epistemological Domination
Julianne Newton
Ethical Issues in Cross-Cultural Psychology
Julianne Newton
Ethical Perspectives in Program Evaluation
Julianne Newton
Ethical Practices in Qualitative Research
Julianne Newton
Ethical Research with Older Adults
Julianne Newton
Ethnography: Constitutive Practice and Research Ethics
Julianne Newton
Experiments, Quasi-experiments, and Ethics
Julianne Newton
Feminist Perspectives on Research Ethics
Julianne Newton
Frontiers in Social Research Ethics: Fertile Ground for Evolution
Julianne Newton
Governmental Regulation in Social Science
Julianne Newton
Graduate Training in Responsible Conduct of Social Science Research
Julianne Newton
Indigenous African-Centered Ethics: Contestin and Complementing Dominant Models
Julianne Newton
Involving Youth in Research within complex cultural settings
Sarah-Jane Dodd
LGBTQ: Protecting vulnerable subjects in all studies
Fiona Cram
Maintaining Indigenous Voices
Linda Silka
Partnership Ethics
Martin Sullivan
Philosophy, Ethics and the Disability Community
Nicholas Burbules
Privacy and New Technologies
Colin Irwin
Research Ethics and Peace Making
Divya Sharma
Research Ethics and Sensitive Behaviors
Joshua Clegg, Brent Slife
Research Ethics in the Postmodern Context
Robert Stake, Fazal Rizvi
Research Ethics in Transnational Spaces
Joan LaFrance, Cheryl Crazy Bull
Researching Ourselves Back to Life: Taking Control of the Research Agenda in Indian Country
Kenneth Howe, Heather MacGillivary
Social Research Attuned to Deliverative Democracy
Richard Kitchener
Social Science Research Ethics: Historical and Philosophical Issues
Merry Bullock
The Ethics of Data Archiving: Issues from Four Perspectives
P. Gabo Ntseane
The Ethics of the Researcher-Subject Relationship: Experiences from the Field
Richard Speiglman, Patricia Spear
The Role of Institutional Review Boards Ethics: Now You See Them, Now You Don't
Donna Mertens, Heidi Holmes
Transformative Research and Ethics
Bruce Brown, Dawson Hedges
Use and Misuse of Quantitative Methods: Data Collection, Calculation, and Presentation
Julianne Newton
Visual Representation of People and Information: Translating Lives into Numbers, Words, and Images as Research Data

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ISBN: 9781412949187

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With SAGE Research Methods, researchers can explore their chosen method across the depth and breadth of content, expanding or refining their search as needed; read online, print, or email full-text content; utilize suggested related methods and links to related authors from SAGE Research Methods' robust library and unique features; and even share their own collections of content through Methods Lists. SAGE Research Methods contains content from over 720 books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and handbooks, the entire “Little Green Book,” and "Little Blue Book” series, two Major Works collating a selection of journal articles, and specially commissioned videos.