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Social Theory and Education Research

Social Theory and Education Research

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

January 2013 | 1 496 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
This exciting new major work turns the spotlight on social theory and education research, taking a look at key thinkers and setting out the relevance of their ideas to education. Esteemed editor Mark Murphy provides a keen-eyed overview of the theories of Derrida, Bourdieu, Foucault and Habermas, in relation to four key education issues:

- inequality, inclusion and education

- identities: Notions of educational selves and subjectivities

- teaching and learning: curricular and pedagogical practice

- governance and management: Performativity, audit cultures and accountability

While the influence of these thinkers has grown considerably over the last number of years, both their original work and its application to education can prove challenging to the educational practitioner. The main purpose of this collection, via an introductory contextualising chapter, is to provide a work that is both advanced and accessible, which will offer the education practitioner or researcher a suitable guide to assist their acquisition and application of social theory, and to develop the capacity of post-graduate student teachers to engage with these debates at an advanced level.

Find out more about the author at this website:


Introduction: Between Power and Knowledge: Using Social Theory in Education Research

Mark Murphy
Julie Allan et al
Knowledge Exchange with Sistema Scotland
Stephen Ball et al
'Classification' and 'Judgement'
Social Class and the 'Cognitive Structures' of Choice of Higher Education

Carlo Barone
Cultural Capital, Ambition and the Explanation of Inequalities in Learning Outcomes
A Comparative Analysis

Patty Douglas
'Problematizing' Inclusion
Education and the Question of Autism

Mads Meier Jæger
Does Cultural Capital Really Affect Academic Achievement? New Evidence from Combined Sibling and Panel Data
Anastasia Liasidou
Unequal Power Relations and Inclusive Education Policy-Making
A Discursive-Analytic Approach

Stefan Lund
Choice Paths in the Swedish Upper Secondary Education
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Recent Reforms

Kym Macfarlane
Playing the Game
Examining Parental Engagement in Schooling in Post-Millennial Queensland

Mark Murphy and Ted Fleming
Between Common and College Knowledge
Exploring the Boundaries between Adult and Higher Education

Rajani Naidoo
Fields and Institutional Strategy
Bourdieu on the Relationship between Higher Education, Inequality and Society

Stewart Ranson, Jane Martin and Carol Vincent
Storming Parents, Schools and Communicative Inaction
Palle Rasmussen
Education for Everyone
Secondary Education and Social Inclusion in Denmark

Diane Reay
'It's All Becoming a Habitus'
Beyond the Habitual Use of Habitus in Educational Research

Fredrik Sandberg
A Habermasian Analysis of a Process of Recognition of Prior Learning for Health-Care Assistants
Teresa Toguchi Swartz
Family Capital and the Invisible Transfer of Privilege
Intergenerational Support and Social Class in Early Adulthood

Cultural Capital and Family Involvement in Children's Education

Loizos Symeou
Tales from Two Primary Schools in Cyprus

Herman van de Werfhorst and Saskia Hofstede
Cultural Capital or Relative Risk Aversion? Two Mechanisms for Educational Inequality Compared
Anna Zimdars, Alice Sullivan and Anthony Heath
Elite Higher Education Admissions in the Arts and Sciences
Is Cultural Capital the Key?

Dennis Atkinson
Assessment in Educational Practice
Forming Pedagogized Identities in the Art Curriculum

Alan Booth, Monica McLean and Melanie Walker
Self, Others and Society
A Case Study of University Integrative Learning

Mary Bushnell
Teachers in the School House Panopticon
Complicity and Resistance

Paul Connelly and Julie Healy
Symbolic Violence and the Neighbourhood
The Educational Aspirations of 7-8 Year-Old Working-Class Girls

Andreas Fejes
Confession, In-Service Training and Reflective Practices
Trish Gorely, Rachel Holroyd and David Kirk
Muscularity, the Habitus and the Social Construction of Gender
Towards a Gender-Relevant Physical Education

Patricia Gouthro
Neo-Liberalism, Lifelong Learning and the Homeplace
Problematizing the Boundaries of 'Public' and 'Private' to Explore Women's Learning Experiences

Jens Henrik Haahr
The Provocation of Plaiting Palm Leaves
Habermas, Foucault and Media Presentations of Education in Danish Television

Rachel Holmes
Theatre of the Self
Autobiography as Performance

Julie Kaomea
N? W?hine Mana: A Post-Colonial Reading of Classroom Discourse on the Imperial Rescue of Oppressed Hawaiian Women
Elisabet Langmann
Representational and Territorial Economies in Global Citizenship Education
Welcoming the Other at the Limit of Cosmopolitan Hospitality

Kevin Love
Higher Education, Pedagogy and the 'Customerization' of Teaching and Learning
Sarah Nelson, Maria de la Colina and Michael Boone
Lifeworld or Systemsworld
What Guides Novice Principals?

Sharn Rocco
Doing Derrida down under
A Matter of (Feminist) Response-Ability

Jessica Pykett
Making Citizens Governable? The Crick Report as Governmental Technology
Sarah Smart et al
Processes of Middle-Class Reproduction in a Graduate Employment Scheme
Nicki Thorogood
Sex Education as Disciplinary Technique
Policy and Practice in England and Wales

Dyan Watson
'Urban, but not too Urban'
Unpacking Teachers' Desires to Teach Urban Students

Lisa Weems
Representations of Substitute Teachers and the Paradoxes of Professionalism
Alireza Asgharzadeh
The Return of the Subaltern
International Education and Politics of Voice

Graham Badley
Academic Writing as Shaping and Re-Shaping
Khosrow Bagheri Noaparast and Zohreh Khosravi
Deconstructive Religious Education
Gert Biesta
Witnessing Deconstruction in Education
Why Quasi-Transcendentalism Matters

Barry Cooper and Patricia Broadfoot
Beyond Description and Prescription
Towards Conducive Assessment in Social Work Education

Leona English
A Foucauldian Reading of Learning in Feminist, Non-Nrofit Organizations
Mick Fryer
Facilitative Leadership
Drawing on J rgen Habermas' Model of Ideal Speech to Propose a Less Impositional Way to Lead

Eric Jean Garcia
MBA Lecturers' Curriculum Interests in Leadership
Mary Hill
Ways of Seeing
Using Ethnography and Foucault's 'Toolkit' to View Assessment Practices Differently

Jennifer Jennings and Thomas DiPrete
Teacher Effects on Social and Behavioral Skills in Early Elementary School
Alison Lee and Bill Green
Supervision as Metaphor
Terence Lovat, Allyson Holbrook and Sid Bourke
Ways of Knowing in Doctoral Examination
How Well Is the Doctoral Regime?

Sarah Mann
Alienation in the Learning Environment
A Failure of Community?

Siebren Miedema and Gert Biesta
Jacques Derrida's Religion with/out Religion and the Im/Possibility of Religious Education
Ian Munday
Derrida, Teaching and the Context of Failure
Marianna Papastephanou and Mary Koutselini
Reason, Language and Education
Philosophical Assumptions for New Curricular Orientations

Robyn Quin
Questions of Knowledge in Australian Media Education
Klas Roth
Some Thoughts for a New Critical Language of Education
Truth, Justification and Deliberation

Lorna Sanders
Power in Operation
A Case Study Focusing on How Subject?Based Knowledge Is Constrained by the Methods of Assessment in GCE A-Level Dance

Alison Scott-Baumann
Teacher Education for Muslim Women
Intercultural Relationships, Method and Philosophy

Peter Pericles Trifonas
Teaching the Other/Writing the Other
Derrida and the Ethics of the Ethnographic Text

Rupert Wegerif
Towards an Account of Teaching General Thinking Skills That Is Compatible with the Assumptions of Sociocultural Theory
Christine Winter
Doing Justice to Geography in the Secondary School
Deconstruction, Invention and the National Curriculum

Per Andersson
National Policy and the Implementation of Recognition of Prior Learning in a Swedish Municipality
Ansgar Allen
The Idea of a World University
Can Foucauldian Research Offer a Vision of Educational Futures?

Carol Aubrey
Early Childhood and Care in England
When Pedagogy Is Wed to Politics

Uschi Bay
Unpacking Neo-Liberal Technologies of Government in Australian Higher Education Social Work Departments
Donald Gillies
Quality and Equality
The Mask of Discursive Conflation in Education Policy Texts

Ian Hardy and Bob Lingard
Teacher Professional Development as an Effect of Policy and Practice
A Bourdieuian Analysis

Andrew Hope
CCTV, School Surveillance and Social Control
Bruce Kloot
Exploring the Value of Bourdieu's Framework in the Context of Institutional Change
Bob Lingard, Shaun Rawolle and Sandra Taylor
Globalizing Policy Sociology in Education
Working with Bourdieu

Nonceba Mabovula
Revisiting J rgen Habermas's Notion of Communicative Action and Its Relevance for South African School Governance
Can It Succeed?

Simon Marginson
Global Field and Global Imagining
Bourdieu and Worldwide Higher Education

Karl Maton
A Question of Autonomy
Bourdieu's Field Approach and Higher Education Policy

Angela Morgan
Governmentality versus Choice in Contemporary Special Education
Mark Murphy
Bureaucracy and Its Limits
Accountability and Rationality in Higher Education

Rob Smith
Work, Identity and the Quasi-Market
The FE Experience

Carolyn Vander Schee
The Politics of Health as a School-Sponsored Ethic
Foucault, Neo-Liberalism and the Unhealthy Employee