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Policy, Leadership and Professional Knowledge in Education

Policy, Leadership and Professional Knowledge in Education

Edited by:

Other Titles in:
Leadership & Management

November 1998 | 256 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
`For those who want to wallow in the past - this is a comfortable book that sets one's own experiences in context. For those who will still be working into the next century, here are the issues we must face as leaders. For those PhD and EdD students seeking topics to research, there are all the controversial issues here that still need investigation and it has a stunning list of references - a roll call of all the great and the good in the last 25 years of educational administration' - International Studies in Educational Administration

The book is a challenge to everyone concerned with the present and future state of public education in the UK and the rest of the developed world.The issues are of special concern to those who are expected to provide leadership in schools and colleges and for those with public and political responsibilities. How should our conception of learning and its contribution to a Learning Society be defined? How can education and other aspects of social care and nurturing enhance our lives as people, irrespective of our `performance' capabilities? What is the role of teachers who also `manage' learning?

This book contributes formatively to current debate. What can educationists do about the `discontinuous changes ` which threaten parents and professionals alike? Must education submit to the `stranglehold of economic rationalism'? It is hoped that this book will assist all those working to promote education's humane and learning aspirations in society.

Tim Simkins
Michael Strain
Records of Achievement
A Critical and Historical Review

Janet Ouston
Teachers in Organizations
John Smyth
Devolution and Teachers' Work
The Underside of a Complex Phenomenon

Eric Hoyle
Micropolitics of Educational Organizations
Narottam Bhindi and Patrick Duignan
Leadership for a New Century
Authenticity, Intentionality, Spirituality and Sensibility

Michael Eraut
The Characterisation and Development of Professional Expertise in Education Management and in Teaching
Michael Strain
Educational Managers' Knowledge
The Quest for Useful Theory

George Baron
Research in Educational Administration in Britain
Thomas Greenfield
Re-forming and Re-valuing Educational Administration
Whence and When Cometh the Phoenix?

Colin Evers and Gabriele Lakomski
Justifying Educational Administration
Peter Gronn and Peter Ribbins
The Salvation of Educational Administration
Better Science or Alternatives to Science?

Stewart Ranson
Towards the Learning Society
Bill Dennison
Education Policy (1972-97)
The Emergence of the `Independent' School

Alan Barnes and Stephen Humble
Governing Schools
Has the Taylor Report Got the Balance Right?

Dudley Fiske
Education - Going National?
Richard Pring
Brent Davies and Guilbert Hentschke
School Autonomy
Myth or Reality - Developing an Analytical Taxonomy

Tim Simkins
The Equity Consequences of Educational Reform
Valerie Hall
Challenges and Dilemmas
A Journey through Twenty-Five Years of Leader-Watching

Meredydd Hughes
Research Report
The Professional-as-Administrator: The Case of the Secondary School Head

Peter Ribbins and Brian Sherratt
Managing the Secondary School in the 1990s
A New View of Headship

Peter Gronn
From Transactions to Transformations
A New World Order in the Study of Leadership?

Ron Glatter
Context and Capability in Educational Management

`For those who want to wallow in the past - this is a comfortable book that sets one's own experiences in context. For those who will still be working into the next century, here are the issues we must face as leaders. For those PhD and EdD students seeking topics to research, there are all the controversial issues here that still need investigation and it has a stunning list of references - a roll call of all the great and the good in the last 25 years of educational administration' - International Studies in Educational Administration

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781853964459
ISBN: 9781853964442