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SAGE Publishing partners with the Campaign for Social Science to launch Pipeline Project

August 3, 2017

London, UK. SAGE Publishing and the Campaign for Social Science have once again partnered to launch a new research project looking at pathways into different social science disciplines at university and employment prospects for social science graduates.

As a result of the data revolution there is a growing need for more social scientists with number and data skills, along with existing social science analytical expertise. The report will look at the importance of equipping researchers with these skills to ensure that the social sciences continue to respond to the evolving needs of society, expanding on the recently published Smith Review.

The report aims is to help students, schools, and universities make informed decisions about discipline choices, while contributing to debates around how higher education institutions can play a more active part in identifying need and supplying necessary skills. 

The social sciences have been instrumental in understanding and tackling many of society’s most pressing challenges. Yet, despite this, its voice is often lost or misheard. Since SAGE’s founding over 50 years ago, we have striven to champion the value of social science research to policymakers and wider society, working together with partner organisations in pursuit of this aim. This new project is the latest in a series of collaborative efforts between SAGE and the Campaign, following The Business of People report in 2015 and The Health of People report in 2017.

This latest project builds on SAGE’s 2016 whitepaper Who is Doing Computational Social Science: Trends in Big Data Research whitepaper, which addressed the challenges researchers face in doing big data research, as well as the Campaign’s influential 2013 report What do Social Science Graduates do?, which looked at the range of skills acquired by social science graduates and how this translated into successful employment prospects in the public, private and third sectors.

The report, published by SAGE, is due to be launched in early 2018.

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