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Quality Improvement in Nursing

Quality Improvement in Nursing

First edition
Edited by:

November 2022 | 216 pages | Learning Matters
As a student and newly registered nurse, you will need to work with others to lead, improve and sustain high quality care. This book will equip you with the skills and knowledge to do just that. From the principles and theory behind quality improvement to the practical skills and tools needed to enable it, the book develops your ability to engage in continuous quality improvement in different settings throughout your career.

Key features

·       Mapped to the 2018 NMC Standards of Proficiency

·       Case studies illustrate the principles of quality improvement in real examples from practice

·       Walks you step by step through each aspect of a quality improvement project, from identifying a need to implementation and evaluation

·       Personal and professional development is discussed throughout, empowering you to engage in quality improvement from the very start of your career
Part 1: Establishing the context
Gillian Janes and Catherine Delves-Yates
Chapter 1: What is quality improvement and why is it important?
Gillian Janes and Jill Foley
Chapter 2: Understanding the principles of quality improvement and your own contribution
Part 2: Developing skills for quality improvement
Nickey Rooke and Mark Morson
Chapter 3: Leading change and working with others
Gillian Janes and Catherine Delves-Yates
Chapter 4: Identifying and justifying the need for service improvement
Catherine Delves-Yates and Claire Brockwell
Chapter 5: Planning and implementing improvement
Michelle Croston and Daniel Heggie
Chapter 6: Evaluating and sustaining improvement
Part 3: Moving forward
Gillian Janes and Catherine Delves-Yates
Chapter 7: Quality improvement: The next decade
Gillian Janes and Catherine Delves-Yates
Chapter 8: Quality improvement and you: The future

A key text with multiple relevant topics covered and case studies and examples to help the students apply their knowledge of theory in the classroom prior to applying to their own experiences of undertaking QI in practice

Mrs Hazel Ridgers
Faculty of Health, Brighton University
April 25, 2024

Overall this series is very accessible and directly applicable to nursing and associate courses with this this book being no different. The subject is pitched at the right level of difficulty to elucidate understanding, but not patronise with simplicity. A good example of this is table 5.1 which compares and contrasts a 6 stage project management guide, with 5 change management theories.

This book should be a serious consideration for your study or course.

Mr Matthew Armstrong
Department of Nursing, Swansea University
December 12, 2024

Good resource to support student learning

Mr Mark Thomas Lees
Faculty of Health Sciences & Sport , Stirling University
April 17, 2024

An accessible and informative text which guides the reader through approaches to quality improvement and the importance of this in practice.

Dr Peter McNee
School of Healthcare Sciences, Cardiff University
December 18, 2023

I am just about to use the contents of this text in my lecturing with my MSc student nurses from March 2023. It outlines step-by-step how to improve quality issues in nursing which, at times, are generic issues.

Mr Thomas Beary
Nursing, Hertfordshire University
December 9, 2022

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ISBN: 9781529768978

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