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Research Ethics

Research Ethics
Context and Practice

Six Volume Set
Edited by:

December 2015 | 2 096 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

This six-volume collection explores both the contextual and the practical sides of research ethics. The focus of the three volumes on Context is unequivocally cross-disciplinary, containing landmark papers which explore ethics issues in context across all research that involves human subjects, taking a look at aspects such as consent, sensitivity, protection from harm, and data protection.


The three volumes on Practice look at the distinction between design and implementation, exploring how in the ‘field’, ethical issues can change and new issues can emerge.  What are and are not ethical issues, and the contested and evolving nature of ethics, are a couple of key aspects considered in the literature in these volumes, and particularly in relation to the different ethical strategies utilised by researchers.

As a single resource, this Major Work provides unparalleled coverage of the most significant literature to emerge from this field of study over the past few decades. The papers selected to appear in the volumes are contextualised by introductory passages written by the editor, exploring the rationale behind the selection, the key themes and issues.

Part I: Context
Volume One: Historical Context

Volume Two: Classic Cases Redux

Volume Three: Core Concepts  

Part II: Practice

Volume One: Power, Politics and Reflexivity

Volume Two: Covert Research

Volume Three: Contemporary Issues and Challenges



Medical Ethics: Principles, Persons, and Perspectives: From Controversy to Conversation

K. Boyd
Human Experimentation in Historical and Ethical Perspectives

Norman Howard-Jones
Ethics and Clinical Research

Henry Beecher
Exploitation and Enrichment: The Paradox of Medical Experimentation

M. Brazier
Ethical Aspects of Experimentation with Human Subjects

Henry Beecher
Human Experimentation: Historical Perspective of Breaches of Ethics in US Health Care

Elizabeth Layman
Protection of Human Subjects of Research: Recent Developments and Future Prospects for the Social Sciences

Eleanor Singer and Felice Levine
Learning from Tuskegee: From Moral Outrage to Integrative Ethics

Ann Gallagher
The Nuremberg Code

The Belmont Report

The National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research
Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights

WMA International Code of Medical Ethics

World Medical Association
WMA Declaration of Helsinki – Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects

World Medical Association
Ethics and Standards in Medicine – Much More Than Abortion and Euthanasia

Bryan Vernon
Laying Ethical Foundations for Clinical Research

Jon Harkness, Susan Lederer and Daniel Wikler
On Ethical Principles for Social Research

Martyn Hammersley
Between the Accountable and the Auditable: Ethics and Ethical Governance in the Social Sciences

Nathan Emmerich
Creeping Ethical Regulation and the Strangling of Research

Martyn Hammersley
The Ethical Case against Ethical Regulation in Humanities and Social Science Research

Robert Dingwall
Adjudicating Entitlements: The Emerging Discourses of Research Ethics Boards

Elvi Whittaker
IRB Reformation: Is Unfettered Access the Answer?

Kristine Florczak and Nancy Lockie
Protecting Vulnerable Research Participants: A Foucault-Inspired Analysis of Ethics Committees

Truls Juritzen, Harald Grimen and Kristin Heggen
An Alternative Ethics? Justice and Care as Guiding Principles for Qualitative Research

Martyn Hammersley and Anna Traianou
A Historical Interpretation of Deceptive Experiments in American Psychology

C. Herrera
Behavioral Study of Obedience

Stanley Milgram
Some Thoughts on Ethics of Research: After Reading Milgram’s “Behavioral Study of Obedience”

Diana Baumrind
Issues in the Study of Obedience: A Reply to Baumrind

Stanley Milgram
On the Ethics of Intervention in Human Psychological Research: With Special Reference to the Stanford Prison Experiment

Philip Zimbardo
Controversial Psychological Research Methods and Their Influence on the Development of Formal Ethical Guidelines

Katie Youngpeter
“Torture at Yale”: Experimental Subjects, Laboratory Torment and the “Rehabilitation” of Milgram’s “Obedience to Authority”

Ian Nicholson
What Can Milgram and Zimbardo Teach Ethics Committees and Qualitative Researchers about Minimizing Harm?

Martin Tolich
Ethical Issues and Guidelines for Conducting Data Analysis in Psychological Research

Rachel Wasserman
On Being Sane in Insane Places

D. Rosenhan
Laud Humphreys and Research Ethics

Earl Babbie
Controversies Surrounding Laud Humphreys’ Tearoom Trade: An Unsettling Example of Politics and Power in Methodological Critiques

Michael Lenza
Whose Side Are We On?

Howard Becker
Protecting Research Subjects and Unintended Consequences: The Effect of Guarantees of Confidentiality

F.G. Reamer
The Myth of Informed Consent: In Daily Practice and in Clinical Trials

William Silverman
The Ethics of Open Methods

Roger Homan
Subject, Project or Self – Thoughts in Ethical Dilemmas for Social and Medical Researchers

Jane Batchelor and Catherine Briggs
The Ethics of Ethnography

Elizabeth Murphy and Robert Dingwall
Researching Researchers: Lessons for Research Ethics

Rose Wiles, Vikki Charles, Graham Crow and Sue Heath
Ethics and the Practice of Qualitative Research

Ian Shaw
Empty Ethics: The Problem with Informed Consent

Oonagh Corrigan
Informed Consent in International Research

Patricia Marshall
Exploring the Meaning of Consent: Participation in Research and Beliefs about Risks and Benefits

Eleanor Singer
What Do Prospective Research Participants Want to Know? What Do They Assume They Know Already?

James Walkup and Elinor Bock
Ethics at Home: Informed Consent in Your Own Backyard

Susan Malone
Improving Consent with Minority Participant from Researcher and Community Surveys

Sandra Crouse Quinn et al.
Research Ethics and Data Quality: The Implications of Informed Consent

Graham Crow, Rose Wiles, Sue Heath and Vikki Charles
Informed Consent, Gatekeepers and Go-Betweens: Negotiating Consent in Child- and Youth-Centred Institutions

Sue Heath, Vikki Charles, Graham Crow and Rose Wiles
An Experiment with a Confidentiality Reminder in a Telephone Survey

J. Frey
Confidentiality for Whom?

Ian Robinson
Confidentiality and Autonomy: The Challenge(s) of Offering Research Participants a Choice of Disclosing Their Identity

James Giordano et al.
Against Confidentiality? Privacy, Safety and the Public Good in Professional Communications

Chris Clark
Talking about Suicide: Confidentiality and Anonymity in Qualitative Research

Susanne Gibson, Outi Benson and Sarah Brand
Dilemmas in Doing Insider Research in Professional Education

Caroline Humphrey
Whose Data Are They Anyway? Practical, Legal and Ethical Issues in Archiving Qualitative Research Data

Odette Parry and Natasha Mauthner
Some Ethical and Methodological Issues in Research with People with Learning Difficulties

Kirsten Stalker
Research with Children: The Same or Different from Research with Adults?

Samantha Punch
The Ethical and Methodological Complexities of Doing Research with ‘Vulnerable’ Young People

Gill Valentine, Ruth Butler and Tracey Skelton
The Ethical Maze: Finding an Inclusive Path towards Gaining Children’s Agreement to Research Participation

Alison Cocks
Old Methods and New Technologies: Social Media and Shifts in Power in Qualitative Research

Jennifer Reich
Anonymisation and Visual Images: Issues of Respect, ‘Voice’ and ‘Protection’

Rose Wiles et al.
Ethical Problems in Studying a Politically Sensitive and Deviant Community

Lee Rainwater and David J. Pittman
Guilty Knowledge, Dirty Hands, and Other Ethical Dilemmas: The Hazards of Contract Research

David Fetterman
Sensitivity as a Problem in Field Research: A Study of Routine Policing in Northern Ireland

John D. Brewer
On Being Partisan in Non-Partisan Settings: Field Research and the Politically Committed

S. Grills
Blowing the Whistle on Police Violence: Gender, Ethnography and Ethics

Louise Westmarland
Ethical and Political Issues in Contemporary Research Relationships

Rachel Aldred
Research Ethics in Victimization Studies: Widening the Lens

James J. Clark and Robert Walker
Researching Sensitive and Emotive Topics: The Participants’ Voice

Jacqueline L. Crowther and Mari Lloyd-Williams
Picture This . . . Safety, Dignity, and Voice—Ethical Research with Children: Practical Considerations for the Reflexive Researcher

Shanon K. Phelan and Elizabeth Anne Kinsella
Researching Others: Epistemology, Experience, Standpoints, and Participation

Barbara Fawcett and Jeff Hearn
‘Living’ Ethical Dilemmas for Researchers When Researching with Children

Luigina Mortari and Deborah Harcourt
Dissonant Alignments: The Ethics and Politics of Researching State Institutions

Anne Lavanchy
What Is Right? Ethics in Intellectual Disabilities Research

Katherine McDonald and Colleen A. Kidney
Balancing Ethics and Quality in Educational Research – The Ethical Matrix Method

Reidun Tangen
Exploring Participant-centred Reflexivity in the Research Interview

Kathleen Riach
The Researcher as Hooligan: Where ‘Participant’ Observation Means Breaking the Law

Geoff Pearson
The Ethical and Methodological Challenges of Social Work Research with Participants Who Fear Retribution: To ‘Do No Harm’

Gabrielle Drake
Ethics in Educational Research: Introducing a Methodological Tool for Effective Ethical Analysis

Kris Stutchbury and Alison Fox
Everyday Ethics in Community-based Participatory Research

Sarah Banks et al.
Children and School-based Research: ‘Informed Consent’ or ‘Educated Consent’?

Miriam David, Rosalind Edwards and Pam Alldred
‘Going Deep’ and ‘Giving Back’: Strategies for Exceeding Ethical Expectations When Researching amongst Vulnerable Youth

Sharlene Swartz
The Ethics of Covert Methods

Roger Homan
Comment on ‘The Ethics of Covert Methods’

Martin Bulmer
Covert Participant Observation: On Its Nature and Practice

Richard A. Hilbert
The Research Ethics of Pseudo-Patient Studies – A New Look at the Merits of Covert Ethnographic Methods

Martin Bulmer
Dirty Data and Investigative Methods

David Shulman
Covert Participant Observation: Reconsidering the Least Used Method

Mitch Miller
A Clash of Methodology and Ethics in ‘Undercover’ Social Science

C.D. Herrera
Covert Participant Observation of a Deviant Community: Justifying the Use of Deception

Matthew A. Lauder
Parts Unknown: Undercover Ethnography of the Organs-Trafficking Underworld

Nancy Scheper-Hughes
Is There a Place for Covert Research Methods in Criminology?

Helen M. Wells
Seeking Informed Consent: Reflections on Research Practice

Chih Hoong Sin
Between Overt and Covert Research: Concealment and Disclosure in an Ethnographic Study of Commercial Hospitality

Peter Lugosi
Research Ethics in the UK: What Can Sociology Learn from Health?

Sue Richardson and Miriam McMullan
Inside the “Pro-ana” Community: A Covert Online Participant Observation

Sarah R. Brotsky and David Giles
The Art and Politics of Covert Research: Doing ‘Situated Ethics’ in the Field

David Calvey
Ethical Covert Research

Paul Spicker
Much Ado about Deception: Consequences of Deceiving Research Participants in the Social Sciences

Davide Barrera and Brent Simpson
A Review of Research Ethics in Internet-based Research

Ian Convery and Diane Cox
Intermezzo Ethics and Information: An Encyclopedic Overview

Robert Hauptman
Protecting Human Subjects in Internet Research

Larry A. Pace and Mary Livingston
Ethical Dilemmas in Research on Internet Communities

Sarah Flicker, Dave Haans and Harvey Skinner
The Ethics of Internet Research

Rebecca Enyon, Jenny Fry and Ralph Schroeder
Digital Ethnography: An Examination of the Use of New Technologies for Social Research

Dhiraj Murthy
Ethnographic Approaches to the Internet and Computer-Mediated Communication

Angela Cora Garcia, Alecea Standlee, Jennifer Bechkoff and Yan Cui
Exploring Ethical and Methodological Issues in Internet-based Research with Adolescents

Heather T. Battles
Private Conversations and Public Audiences: Exploring the Ethical Implications of Using Mobile Telephones to Research Young People’s Lives

Denise Hinton
Talking Sexuality Online – Technical, Methodological and Ethical Considerations of Online Research with Sexual Minority Youth

Paul Willis
Ethics and Social Media

Constance Milton
Personal Internet Archives and Ethics

Stine Lomborg
Internet-Mediated Technologies and Mixed Methods Research: Problems and Prospects

Sharlene Hesse-Biber and Amy Griffin
Taking and Using: Ethical Issues of Photographs for Research Purposes

Luc Pauwels
Ethical Issues in Image-based Research

Andrew Clark, Jon Prosser and Rose Wiles
Just Images: Aesthetics, Ethics and Visual Criminology

Eamonn Carrabine
Is It the End for Anonymity As We Know It? A Critical Examination of the Ethical Principle of Anonymity in the Context of 21st Century Demands on the Qualitative Researcher

Liz Tilley and Kate Woodthorpe
‘Caught in the Act’: Ethics Committee Review and Researching the Sexual Culture of Schools

Louisa Allen
The Betrayal of Research Confidentiality in British Sociology

John Lowman and Ted Palys
Ethical Use of Social Media to Facilitate Qualitative Research

Belinda Lunnay et al.
Big Data Ethics

Andrej Zwitter

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ISBN: 9781446295274