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Service Marketing

Service Marketing

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

September 2010 | 1 696 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
With the rise in deregulated service-based economies in developed countries over the last 40 years, an understanding of the marketing of services is essential to the marketing student, researcher and practitioner. This four-volume collection is structured around the evolution of services marketing scholarship from 1970 to the present, giving an unprecedented, detailed account of the relationship between the theory and practice of services marketing and the changing social, economic and technical environments over time.

Each volume takes a distinct time period and theme as its subject. Volumes One to Three offer the last word on services marketing research of the 20th century, with volume Four looking towards a unified marketing approach for the current century.

Volume One: The Development of Ideas for the Marketing of Services describes the evolutionary stages of research that established the credibility of services marketing.

Volume Two: The Creation of the Sub-Discipline of Services Marketing covers the period in which service marketing became recognised as a sub-discipline of marketing, with its own boundaries and debates.

Volume Three: A Focus on Customer Experience and the Changing Roles of Customers and Consumers discusses the scholarship of the late twentieth-century which started to foreshadow changing consumer experiences brought about by technology.

Volume Four: Towards a Unifying Marketing Approach through Service treats the service-dominant logic of marketing with a focus on the debates seeking to eliminate the division between business-to-business marketing and business-to-consumer marketing.

What is Meant by Services?

J.M. Rathmell
The Marketing of Services: An Approach

K.J. Blois
Breaking Free from Product Marketing

Shostack, G.L.
A Service-Orientated Approach to Marketing of Services

C.A. Grönroos
Look to Customers to Increase Productivity

C.H. Lovelock and R.F. Young
A Paradigm for Developing Better Measures of Marketing Constructs

G.A. Churchill, Jr.
Growth Strategies for Service Firms

J.M. Carman and E. Langeard
A Cognitive Model of the Antecedents and Consequences of Satisfaction Decisions

R.L. Oliver
The Customer Contact Approach to Services: Theoretical bases and practical extensions

R.B. Chase
The Experiential Aspects of Consumption: Consumer fantasies, feelings and fun

M.B. Holbrook and E.C. Hirschman
Classifying Services to Gain Strategic Marketing Insights

C.H. Lovelock
A Service Quality Model and its Marketing Implications

C.A. Grönroos
Designing Services That Deliver

G.L. Shostack
A Conceptual Model of Service Quality and Its Implications for Future Research

A. Parasuraman, V.A. Zeithaml and L.L Berry
Self-service Consumer: An exploratory study

J.E.G. Bateson
A Role Theory Perspective on Dyadic Interactions: The service encounter

M.R. Solomon, C. Surprenant, J.A. Czepiel and E.G. Gutman
Students are Important Consumers: Assessing satisfaction in a higher education context

J.S. Conant, J.J. Brown and M.P. Mokwa
Customers as Human Resources in Service Organizations

D.E. Bowen
The New Marketing-Developing Long-Term Interactive Relationships

E. Gummesson
The Development and Emergence of Services Marketing Thought

S.W. Brown, R.P. Fisk and M.J. Bitner
The Future of Services Marketing: Forecasts from ten service experts

S.J. Grove, R.P. Fisk and J. John
Service Positioning Through Structural Change

G.L. Shostack
SERVQUAL: A Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality

A. Parasuraman, V.A. Zeithaml and L.L. Berry
Consumer Perceptions of Price, Quality and Value: A Means-End Model and Synthesis of Evidence

V.A. Zeithaml
Compatibility Management: Customer-to-Customer Relationships in Service Environments

C.L. Martin and C.A. Pranter
The Service Encounter: Diagnosing Favorable and Unfavorable Incidents

M.J. Bitner, B.H. Booms and M.S. Tetreault
Defining and Measuring the Quality of Customer Service

B.R. Lewis and V.W. Mitchell
The Profitable Art of Service Recovery

C.W.L. Hart, J.L. Heskett and W.E. Sasser Jr.
Technology, Design and Service Quality

J. Kingman-Brundage
Servicescapes: The impact of physical surroundings on customers and employees

M.J. Bitner
The Service Experience as Theater

S.J. Grove and R.P. Fisk
The Empowerment of Service Workers: What, why, how and when

D.E. Bowen and E.E. Lawler
Service Management: An Evaluation and the Future

E. Gummesson
The Scope of Internal Marketing: Defining the Boundary Between Marketing and Human Resource Management

M. Rafiq and P.K. Ahmed
The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing

R.M. Morgan and S.D. Hunt
Customer Loyalty: Toward an integrated conceptual framework

A.S. Dick and K. Basu
Putting the Service-Profit Chain to Work

J.L. Heskett, T.O. Jones, G.W. Loveman, W.E. Sasser Jr. and L.A. Schlesinger
Quo Vadis, Marketing? Toward a Relationship Marketing Paradigm

C.A. Grönroos
The Importance of Servicescapes in Leisure Service Settings

K.L. Wakefield and J.G. Blodgett
Unacquainted Influencers: When strangers interact in the retail setting

M.A. McGrath and C. Otnes
Customers as Oral Participants in a Service Setting

K. Harris, S. Baron and J. Ratcliffe
SERVQUAL: Review, Critique, Research Agenda

F. Buttle
Welcome to the Experience Economy

B.J. Pine II and J.H. Gilmore
Service Recovery Strategies for Single and Double Deviation Scenarios

R. Johnston and A. Fern
Self-Service Technologies: Understanding customer satisfaction with technology-based service encounters

M.L. Meuter, A.L. Ostrom, R.I. Roundtree and M.J. Bitner
Developing an eService Strategy

C. Voss
Retail Theater : The intended effect of the performance

S. Baron, K. Harris and R. Harris
Being in the Zone: Staging retail theater at ESPN zone Chicago

J.F. Sherry Jr., R.V. Kozinets, D. Storm, A. Duhachek, K. Nuttavuthisit and B. DeBerry-Spence
Customer Equity Management: Charting new directions for the future of marketing

J.E. Hogan, K.N. Lemon and R.T. Rust
Exploring Service Sabotage: The antecedents, types and consequences of frontline

L.C. Harris and E. Ogbonna
The Consequences of Dysfunctional Customer Behavior

L.C. Harris and K.L. Reynolds
The Professional Service Encounter in the Age of the Internet: An exploratory study

G. Hogg, A. Laing and D. Winkelman
Revisiting Consumption Experience: A more humble but complete view of the concept

A. Caru and B. Cova
Toward an Integrative Approach to Designing Service Experiences: Lessons learned from the theatre

F.I. Stuart and S. Tax
Internal Market Orientation: Construct and Consequences

I.N. Lings
Whither Services Marketing? In Search of a New Paradigm and Fresh Perspectives

C. Lovelock and E. Gummesson
E-S-QUAL: A multiple item scale for assessing electronic service quality

A. Parasuraman, V.A. Zeithaml and A. Malhotra
Experience Marketing: A review and reassessment

C. Tynan and S. McKechnie
Evolving to a New Dominant Logic for Marketing

S.L. Vargo and R.F. Lusch
Co-Creating Unique Value with Customers

C.K. Prahalad and V. Ramaswamy
The Four Service Marketing Myths

S.L. Vargo and R.F. Lusch
A Research Manifesto for Services Science

H. Chesbrough and J. Spohrer
Service-Dominant Logic: Reactions, reflections and refinements

R.F. Lusch and S.L. Vargo
The Effect of Service Evaluations on Behavioral Intentions and Quality of Life

T.S. Dagger and J.S. Sweeney
Toward a Cultural Resource-Based Theory of the Customer

E.J. Arnould, L.L. Price and A. Malshe
Are We Nearly There Yet? On the Retro-Dominant Logic of Marketing

S. Brown
Beyond the Call of Duty: Why customers contribute to firm-hosted online communities

C. Wiertz and K. de Ruyter
Social Network Sites: Definition, history and scholarship

D.M. Boyd and N.B. Ellison
Service-Dominant Logic: Continuing the evolution

S.L. Vargo and R.F. Lusch
Consumers as Resource Integrators

S. Baron and K. Harris
The Service-Dominant Logic and the Future of Marketing

D. Ballantyne and R.J. Varey
Designing Multi-Interface Service Experiences

L. Patricio, R.P. Fisk and J. Falcao e Cunha
Return on Community for Consumers and Service Establishments

M. Rosenbaum
Harry Potter and the Service-Dominant Logic of Marketing: A cautionary tale

S. Brown and A. Patterson
Demystifying Intercultural Service Encounters: Toward a comprehensive conceptual framework

P. Sharma, J.L.M Tam and N. Kim
The Global Crisis and the Marketing Scholar

E. Gummesson
Working Consumers: The next step in marketing theory?

B. Cova and D. Dalli
Moving Forward and Making a Difference: Research priorities for the science of service

A. Ostrom et al

Sample Materials & Chapters

Introduction: Services Marketing