Supporting the Spirit of Learning
When Process Is Content
Edited by:
- Arthur L. Costa - Professor Emeritus, California State University, Sacramento, Institute for Intelligent Behavior, Co-founder
- Rosemarie M. Liebmann
March 1997 | 264 pages | Corwin
The revision of the curriculum to meet the needs of the twenty-first century is the theme of this book. It puts forward a powerful case for making the learning process the major focus of the curriculum, and describes how traditional ways of developing curriculum, instruction, parental involvement, decision-making, assessment, teaching and teacher education would be different in a process-oriented learning organization.
Peter M Senge
Arthur L Costa and Rosemarie M Liebmann
Reuven Feuerstein, Rafi Feuerstein, and Yaron Schur
Process as Content in Education of Exceptional Children
Vito Perrone and Bena Kallick
Generative Topics for Process Curriculum
Arthur L Costa
Teaching as Process
Marion Leibowitz
Instruction for Process Learning
Marilyn Tabor
A Process-Oriented Paradigm
Robin Fogarty
Enhancing Transfer
Timothy Melchior et al
New Technologies
Stanley Pogrow
Using Techology to Combine Process and Content
Robert Swartz
Problem-Based Learning in Science
Sandra Parks
Tools to Enhance Thinking and Learning
Rosemarie M Liebmann and Anthony Colella
Processes for Diverse Voices
Rosemarie M Liebmann and Barbara Wright
Inviting the Feminine Voice
Bena Kallick
Measuring from in the Middle of Learning
Fred Morton
What Would Schools Be Like if Process Were Content?
Lou Rubin