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The International Journal of Community and Social Development

The International Journal of Community and Social Development

eISSN: 25166034 | ISSN: 25166026 | Current volume: 6 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Quarterly
The quarterly International Journal of Community and Social Development was conceptualised and established in 2019 by its founding Editor-in-Chief, Dr Manohar Pawar, Professor of Social Work, Charles Sturt University, Australia, and President, International Consortium for Social Development. Drawing on the expertise of leading interdisciplinary social researchers and practitioners, the journal primarily focuses on creating and disseminating knowledge relating to community and social development theory and practice at the grassroots/local level. The International Editorial Advisory Board, consultants and co-editors help to maintain rigour, the blind peer review process, scholarly high standards and timely publication of the issues. The journal publishes research articles, perspectives, colloquium, case studies and book reviews. For details, please see the submission guidelines.

As academic and professional interest in community and social development has grown over the years, the need for innovative literature that can inform policy and practice in the field has been widely recognised. The new International Journal of Community and Social Development, founded by Manohar Pawar, will meet this need.

Professor James Midgley
University of California
Berkeley, USA

The International Journal of Community and Social Development with its multidisciplinary focus on knowledge building, from the grassroots, documenting case studies, innovation and lessons learnt across countries, will deepen and grow social development theory and practice around the world.

Professor Leila Patel
South African Research Chair in Welfare and Social Development,
Centre for Social Development in Africa,
University of Johannesburg
South Africa

The International Journal of Community and Social Development, under Dr Pawar’s erudite leadership, will integrate both ‘community’ and ‘social development’ as a unifying fulcrum of social transformation.

Professor Brij Mohan
Dean Emeritus, School of Social Work,
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, USA

Submit your manuscript today at

The peer reviewed journal aims to focus on community and social development theory and practice at the grassroots/local level with a view to:

  • Research and document local level community and social development theories and practices mainly from, but not limited to the Asia-Pacific region, and disseminate the same throughout the world;
  • Create knowledge and skills-base for social development of local level communities;
  • Provide voice for grassroots level communities and social development agencies, practitioners and thinkers, who have been actively engaged with people and those who have developed innovative and unique approaches for local level development; and
  • Engage researchers and scholars, from all over the world, in practice focused research and scholarship on local level communities and social development.

The scope of the journal is broad to cover multi-disciplines and multi-professions, which contribute to community and social development in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.

The features of the journal may include any combination of the following:

  • Perspectives include reflective contributions on emerging issues and ideas that call for action or rethinking by community and social development practitioners, scholars and agencies. 
  • Research articles, which are based on rigorous research, both qualitative and quantitative, contribute to the knowledge creation while illustrating the practical applicability and/or policy implications of the research undertaken.
  • Colloquium includes a debate on a contemporary topic by a small group of practitioners and scholars. Persons interested in organizing Colloquia may also write to the Editor. 
  • Community or social development case critically discusses a community practice case bringing out participatory process, successes, difficulties, learnings or achievements. 
  • Interviews with leading social development thinkers and practitioners.
  • Book Reviews relevant to the community and social development theme.
Manohar Pawar Charles Sturt University, Australia
Hurriyet Babacan James Cook University, Australia
Johnson Chun-Sing Cheung The University of Hong Kong, China and East Asia
Manish K Jha Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India
Karen Lyons London Metropolitan University, UK
Gidraph G Wairire University of Nairobi, Kenya
Book Review Editors
Sharvari Karandikar College of Social Work, The Ohio State University. Ohio, USA
Sohini Sengupta School of Social Work, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India
International Editorial Advisory Board
Sue Kenny Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia
Shanti Khinduka Washington University, St. Louis, USA
James Midgley University of California, USA
Leila Patel University of Johannesburg, South Africa
International Editorial Consultants
Neera Agnimitra University of Delhi, India
Tatsuru Akimoto Shukutoku University, Japan
Janki Andheria Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India
Rajendra Baikady Central University of Kerala, India
Julian Chun-Chung Chow University of California, Berkeley, USA
Marsela Dauti Uppsala University, Sweden
Murli Desai Independent Social Work and Social Development Consultant, India
Rohena Duncombe Charles Sturt University, Australia
John Gal Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Sarathchandra Gamlath University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Usha George Ryerson University, Canada
Narayan Gopalkrishnan James Cook University, Australia
Lauren Graham CSDA, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Mel Gray The University of Newcastle, Australia
Miyuki Inaba Kyushu University, Japan
Dipendra K C Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan
Praveen Kumar Boston College School of Social Work, USA
Bong Joo Lee Seoul National University, South Korea
Gokul Mandayam Rhode Island College, USA
Philip Mendes Monash University, Austalia
Brij Mohan Louisiana State University, USA
Ndungi Mungai Charles Sturt University, Australia
Lynelle Osburn Charles Sturt University, Australia
Tejaswini Patil Monash University, Australia
John Pinkerton Queen’s University Belfast, Ireland
Biman C Prasad Fiji Institute of Applied Studies, Fiji
Azizur Rahman Charles Sturt University, Australia
S Siva Raju Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India
Chathapuram Ramanathan State Illinois University, Normal, USA
Monica Short Charles Sturt University, Australia
Shweta Singh Loyola University Chicago, USA
Nathan A Stephens School of Social Work, Illinois State University, USA
Ngoh Tiong TAN Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore
Thomas M E California State University, Bakersfield, USA
Idit Weiss-Gal Tel Aviv University, Israel
Amy Conley Wright The University of Sydney
Yuegen Xiong Peking University, China
  • DeepDyve
  • Dutch-KB
  • J-Gate
  • OCLC
  • Portico
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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