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Five Volume Set
Edited by:

May 2015 | 1 768 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

Adolescent development is a distinct and important field of research within developmental psychology, and the ground-breaking conceptual work of Urie Bronfenbrenner and his ecological systems theory is among the most highly-cited and influential in this area. 

This SAGE Major Work covers key contributions in the area of adolescent development framed by Bronfenbrenner’s seminal, from the latest developments in fMRI technology to current insights about adolescent health and problem behaviors, and is designed to be a touchstone text for scholars, practitioners and educators within the fields of developmental psychology, health, and education.

Volume One: Biological Processes, Puberty, and Brain Development

Volume Two: Proximal Developmental Contexts: The Family and Peer Group

Volume Three: Schools, Achievement, Work, and Careers

Volume Four: Distal Developmental Contexts – Neighborhoods, School, and Culture

Volume Five: Health, Health-Risk, and Problem Behaviors



Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Adolescent Brain

Jay Giedd
Pubertal Transition, Stressful Life Events, and the Emergence of Gender Differences in Adolescent Depressive Symptoms

Xiaojia Ge, Rand Conger and Glen Elder, Jr
Pathways to Adolescent Health Sleep Regulation and Behavior

Ronald Dahl and Daniel Lewin
The Adolescent Brain

B. Casey, Rebecca Jones and Todd Hare
The Normative Development of Child and Adolescent Problem Behavior

Ilja Bongers et al.
Sensation Seeking, Puberty, and Nicotine, Alcohol, and Marijuana Use in Adolescence

Catherine Martin et al.
Risk-Taking and the Adolescent Brain: Who Is at Risk?

Adriana Galvan et al.
Quality of Early Family Relationships and Individual Differences in the Timing of Pubertal Maturation in Girls: A Longitudinal Test of an Evolutionary Model

Bruce Ellis et al.
What Has fMRI Told Us about the Development of Cognitive Control through Adolescence?

Beatriz Luna, Aarthi Padmanabhan and Kirsten O'Hearn
Pubertal Development in Danish Children: Comparison of Recent European and US Data

A. Juul et al.
Healthy Adolescents' Neural Response to Reward: Associations with Puberty, Positive Affect, and Depressive Symptoms

Erika Forbes et al.
Risk and Protective Factors Associated with Trajectories of Depressed Mood from Adolescence to Early Adulthood

Darcé Costello et al.
Self-Esteem and Physical Development in Early Adolescence: Pubertal Timing and Body Image

Joanne Williams and Candace Currie
Braking and Accelerating of the Adolescent Brain

B.J. Casey et al.
The Changing Impact of Genes and Environment on Brain Development during Childhood and Adolescence: Initial Findings from a Neuroimaging Study of Pediatric Twins

Rhoshel Lenroot and Jay Giedd
We Know Some Things: Parent–Adolescent Relationships in Retrospect and Prospect

Laurence Steinberg
A Review of Sex Differences in Peer Relationship Processes: Potential Trade-Offs for the Emotional and Behavioral Development of Girls and Boys

Amanda Rose and Karen Rudolph
Peer Influence on Risk Taking, Risk Preference, and Risky Decision Making in Adolescence and Adulthood: An Experimental Study

Margo Gardner and Laurence Steinberg
Antecedents and Behavior-Problem Outcomes of Parental Monitoring and Psychological Control in Early Adolescence

Gregory Pettit et al.
Examination of Peer–Group Contextual Effects on Aggression during Early Adolescence

Dorothy Espelage, Melissa Holt and Rachael Henkel
Adolescent Internet Use: What We Expect, What Teens

Elisheva Gross
Reconsidering Peers and Delinquency: How Do Peers Matter?

Dana Haynie and D. Wayne Osgood
School Bullying among Adolescents in the United States: Physical, Verbal, Relational, and Cyber

Jing Wang, Ronald Iannotti and Tonja Nansel
Adolescent Romantic Relationships

W. Andrew Collins, Deborah Welsh and Wyndol Furman
Peers Increase Adolescent Risk Taking by Enhancing Activity in the Brain’s Reward Circuitry

Jason Chein et al.
Multivariate Analysis of Youth Violence and Aggression: The Influence of Family, Peers, Depression, and Media Violence

Christopher Ferguson, Claudia San Miguel and Richard Hartley
Familism Values as a Protective Factor for Mexican-Origin Adolescents Exposed to Deviant Peers

Miguelina Germán, Nancy Gonzales and Larry Dumka
Sense of Relatedness as a Factor in Children's Academic Engagement and Performance

Carrie Furrer and Ellen Skinner
Social Relationships and Motivation in Middle School: The Role of Parents, Teachers, and Peers

Kathryn Wentzel
Self-Discipline Outdoes IQ in Predicting Academic Performance of Adolescents

Angela Duckworth and Martin Seligman
Whatever Happened to the Jock, the Brain, and the Princess? Young Adult Pathways Linked to Adolescent Activity Involvement and Social Identity

Bonnie Barber, Jacquelynne Eccles and Margaret Stone
The Peer Group as a Context for the Development of Young Adolescent Motivation and Achievement

Allison Ryan
Are Effective Teachers Like Good Parents? Teaching Styles and Student Adjustment in Early Adolescence

Kathryn Wentzel
The Effect of Work Intensity on Adolescent Mental Health, Achievement, and Behavioral Adjustment: New Evidence from a Prospective Study

Jeylan Mortimer et al.
Part-Time Work and Hurried Adolescence: The Links among Work Intensity, Social Activities, Health Behaviors, and Substance Use

Deborah Safron, John Schulenberg and Jerald Bachman
Parents' At-Home and At-School Academic Involvement with Young Adolescents

Lee Shumow and Jon Miller
Adolescent Work, Vocational Development, and Education

Melanie Zimmer-Gembeck and Jeylan Mortimer
Student Engagement and Its Relationship with Early High School Dropout

Isabelle Archambault et al.
Relationship between Multiple Sources of Perceived Social Support and Psychological and Academic Adjustment in Early Adolescence: Comparisons across Gender

Sandra Yu Rueger, Christine Kerres Malecki and Michelle Kilpatrick Demaray
Adolescents' Occupational and Educational Aspirations and Expectations: Links in High School Activities and Adult Education Attainment

Sarah Beal and Lisa Crockett
Assessing "Neighborhood Effects": Social Processes and New Directions in Research

Robert Sampson, Jeffrey Morenoff and Thomas Gannon-Rowley
The Neighborhoods They Live in: The Effects of Neighborhood Residence on Child and Adolescent Outcomes

Tama Leventhal and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn
Perceptions of the School Psychological Environment and Early Adolescents' Psychological and Behavioral Functioning in School: The Mediating Role of Goals and Belonging

Robert W. Roeser, Carol Midgley and Timothy Urdan
The Role of Exposure to Community Violence and Developmental Problems among Inner-City Youth

Deborah Gorman-Smith and Patrick Tolan
The Influence of Ethnic Discrimination and Ethnic Identification on African American Adolescents' School and Socioemotional Adjustment

Carol Wong, Jacquelynne Eccles and Arnold Sameroff
Extracurricular Activities and Adolescent Development

Jacquelynne Eccles et al.
The Classroom Social Environment and Changes in Adolescents’ Motivation and Engagement during Middle School

Allison Ryan and Helen Patrick
School Effects on Psychological Outcomes during Adolescence

Eric Anderman
Contextual Amplification of Pubertal Transition Effects on Deviant Peer Affiliation and Externalizing Behavior among African American Children

Xiajia Ge et al.
Social Contexts and Urban Adolescent Outcomes: The Interrelated Effects of Neighborhoods, Families, and Peers on African-American Youth

Bruce Rankin and James Quane
The Role of Parents’ Control in Early Adolescents’ Psychological Functioning: A Longitudinal Investigation in the United States and China

Qian Wang, Eva Pomerantz and Huichang Chen
Cultural and Gender Convergence in Adolescent Drunkenness: Evidence from 23 European and North American Countries

Emmanuel Kuntsche et al.
The Physiological Expression of Living in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods for Youth

Allison Brenner et al.
Development of Depression from Preadolescence to Young Adulthood: Emerging Gender Differences in a 10-Year Longitudinal Study

Benjamin Hankin et al.
Sleep Schedules and Daytime Functioning in Adolescents

Amy Wolfson and Mary Carskadon
Trajectories of Boys' Physical Aggression, Opposition, and Hyperactivity on the Path to Physically Violent and Nonviolent Juvenile Delinquency

Daniel Nagin and Richard Tremblay
Males on the Life-Course-Persistent and Adolescence-Limited Antisocial Pathways: Follow-Up at Age 26 Years

Terrie Moffitt et al.
Childhood Predictors Differentiate Life-Course Persistent and Adolescence-Limited Antisocial Pathways among Males and Females

Terrie Moffitt and Avshalom Caspi
Risk Factors and Life Processes Associated with the Onset of Suicidal Behaviour during Adolescence and Early Adulthood

D. Fergusson, L. Woodward and L. Horwood
Patterns and Correlates of Agreement between Parent, Teacher, and Male Adolescent Ratings of Externalizing and Internalizing Problems

Eric Youngstrom, Rolf Loeber and Magda Stouthamer-Loeber
Low Self-Esteem Is Related to Aggression, Antisocial Behavior, and Delinquency

M. Brent Donnellan
Attachment and Adolescent Psychosocial Functioning

Joseph Allen et al.
Parents Do Matter: Trajectories of Change in Externalizing and Internalizing Problems in Early Adolescence

Nancy Galambos, Erin Barker and David Almeida
Longitudinal Relations of Children’s Effortful Control, Impulsivity, and Negative Emotionality to Their Externalizing, Internalizing, and Co-Occurring Behavior Problems

Nancy Eisenberg et al.
X-Rated Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors Associated with US Early Adolescents' Exposure to Sexually Explicit Media

Jane Brown and Kelly L'Engle
Cumulative-Genetic Plasticity, Parenting and Adolescent Self-Regulation

Jay Belsky and Kevin Beaver

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ISBN: 9781446295656