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Indexing & Discoverability

At SAGE, we take seriously our obligation to ensure readers get to the SAGE content they need as smoothly and effectively as possible wherever their starting point and regardless of their device. We tackle discoverability for our products in 4 key areas: open web discovery, institutional discovery, specialized database discovery, and across-SAGE discovery. We are a dedicated and proactive member of the academic information supply chain and we are good stewards of our published metadata, which is widely distributed to dozens of global industry partners. As user behavior and technological solutions continually evolve, so too will SAGE’s strategies for discovery and delivery of our content – aiming to always improve the ways in which we serve the research community. The following information outlines our current discoverability offerings to our readers and customers:

Indexing Coverage

SAGE optimizes all online products and databases for indexing with the key discovery tools for academic libraries and other research institutions. We focus our efforts on the following search engines:

  • ProQuest (Summon)
  • EBSCO Discovery Service
  • Ex Libris (Primo)
  • OCLC WorldCat Local
  • Google – including Google Scholar and Google Books
  • Bing
  • Yahoo

In compliance with the Recommended Practices published by NISO’s Open Discovery Initiative, SAGE is pleased to publish the following ODI Conformance Checklist, demonstrating our discoverability efforts.

Open Discovery Initiative: Conformance Checklist

‘Y’ (for Yes) in column 1 indicates compliance with the ODI recommendation. ‘P’ response indicates partial compliance and includes explanatory comments. ‘N’ (No) response indicates lack of compliance with the ODI recommendation at this time.





Content Provider makes available to Discovery

Service Providers core metadata and underlying full-text/original content for complete offerings.

Two SAGE products are currently not index-able by discovery services: SAGE Stats and US Political Stats (work is underway to achieve indexing)


Content Provider makes available to Discovery

Service Providers, the core set of metadata elements (see for each item submitted for indexing.



Content Provider provides the content item and additional descriptive content for as much of their content as possible.



Content Provider provides libraries, on request, with a statement of participation in the discovery services, including disclosure of coverage depth and content depth



Content Provider’s agreements with Discovery

Service Providers do not include non-disclosure agreements.



The transfer of Content Provider’s data to

Discovery Service Providers makes use of existing standards where applicable and uses one of the metadata encoding schemes listed in 3.3.3.



Library Metadata

SAGE delivers KBART-compliant metadata for all products to global library systems providers:

  • Serials Solutions
  • Ex Libris
  • OCLC
  • TD-Net
  • Innovative Interfaces, Inc.
  • WT Cox Subscriptions
  • Suweco

MARC Records from SAGE

SAGE’s MARC Records Policy: SAGE offers free-of-charge MARC records for customers to easily download for e-books and reference products, including video, datasets, and case studies, hosted on select SAGE platforms. Our MARC-21 compliant records include RDA elements and aim to drive discovery and usage of SAGE resources within libraries. MARC records are released in the first quarter of each year for the new packages sold for that calendar year (records are not provided for print books). Quarterly updates are then dispatched with new records for titles that published in the prior period, as well as any necessary corrections to existing records. SAGE MARC records are made available via a subscription-sensitive download feature as well as new export filters added in 2015 and 2016.

Please note: As of Jan. 2016, SAGE will not provide pre-publication (or CIP-level) MARC records. Instead, we will prepare quarterly updates to supply libraries with MARC records for newly published titles.

Discoverability Checklists

For more detailed information about the discoverability of specific products and for tips on driving visibility and usage of these resources within your library, SAGE has provided the following checklists:


The following guides have been prepared by SAGE for our customers and readers. Additional guides are in development and we encourage you to bookmark our home page, so you can check back frequently for new releases: