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Adult Learning

Adult Learning

eISSN: 21624070 | ISSN: 10451595 | Current volume: 36 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: Quarterly

Adult Learning is an important voice in the scholarship of adult learning and teaching. As a practitioner-oriented journal, it is committed to advancing the practice of adult education through innovative articles with a problem-solving emphasis. Published articles address the most current challenges in educating adults across various contexts, including, for example, higher education, health care, government, community and nonprofit organizations, and business and technology. The audience includes those who teach adults; design, manage, and evaluate programs; and researchers on adult learning, development and teaching practices.

We publish research articles focused on reporting the importance to practice; literature reviews; conceptual and theoretical pieces; and quality accounts of innovations in practice as peer reviewed articles. We also publish short personal reflections and descriptions of resources useful to educators of adults.

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Adult Learning publishes original manuscripts on the practical challenges of educating adults.

Our purpose is to provide a forum for practitioners and researchers to share their insights, research findings, resources and questions that arise from the practice of educating adults.

The journal publishes a variety of articles. We publish reports on research drawing on a variety of approaches and methodologies, but with a clear focus on the importance to practice; literature reviews; conceptual and theoretical pieces; and quality accounts of innovations in practice as peer reviewed articles. We also publish short personal reflections and descriptions of resources useful to educators of adults.

Adult Learning is important reading for both academics and professionals engaged in the education of adults in a variety of settings and professional fields including, for example:

• Community organizations

• Healthcare

• Higher education

• International settings

• Professional development in pre-school and schools

• Workforce development

• Business

• Government

Types of Articles Published

I. Refereed Articles

We seek a variety of articles that make current research, theoretical issues, and literature reviews relevant to practitioners. We also seek thoughtful descriptions of innovative practices in teaching, programming and administration. Submissions should follow the Style & Formatting guidelines below.

Two to 3 individuals fro our Editorial Board review refereed manuscripts. We adhere to a double-blind peer reviewing process. Reviewers make one of the following recommendations: Accept, Conditional Accept (upon revisions), Revise and Resubmit, and Reject. Authors generally receive a decision within 6 to 10 weeks of manuscript submission.

• Research articles and literature reviews

The editors are very interested in publishing manuscripts that clearly link research or theory to practice. We publish qualitative, action, and quantitative and research studies and literature reviews that have direct implications for the practice. Published works are written so that readers can apply the findings to their own practice of educating adults.

Manuscripts should be between 4,000-4,500 words.

• Conceptual and theoretical articles

Articles in this section explore current issues and challenges practitioners face in the education of adults. The purpose of these pieces is to develop new or critique existing theory in order to contribute to practice.

Manuscripts should be between 3,000-5,000 words.

• Innovations in practice

To address the rapid social changes in this historical era and corresponding challenges faced by those who educate adults, articles published as Innovations in Practice present innovative and cutting-edge teaching and learning practices in the education of adults. They provide enough detail and evidence of effectiveness that practitioners can use them to inform teaching, program planning, or adult education administration.

Manuscripts should be between 2,000-3,000 words.

II. Personal Reflections

Articles in this session are thoughtful reflections on and discussions of important learning and teaching issues to educators of adults. They may be first-person narratives and resulting insights on thought-provoking experiences in teaching adults or examinations of taken-for-granted practices about adult learning, teaching, program design and management in adult education.

Manuscripts should be between 1,200-1,500 words.

III. Resources

The Resources section is for reviews and descriptions of books, YouTube videos, TEDtalks, 99 Percent videos, RSA animations, documentaries, resource manuals, workbooks and other useful materials for teaching adults.

Full reviews should be 500-750 words.

Notifications of new resources should be no more than 200 words.

IV. Special Issues

The Adult Learning editors welcome your suggestions for special issues. Past special issues have been varied, e.g. workforce education, mentoring, older adult learners, adult literacy, adult development, adult learners with disabilities, instructional technology, intercultural education, learning to learn, and the philosophy of adult education. Special issue editors work with authors on the content and form of manuscripts.

Davin Carr-Chellman University of Dayton, USA
Lilian H. Hill University of Southern Mississippi, USA
Carol Rogers-Shaw University of Dayton, USA
Editorial Assistant
Dorca Kisare-Ressler University of Minnesota, USA
Reflections Editor
Catherine A. Cherrstrom Texas State University, USA
Resources Editor
Kelly McKenna Colorado State University, USA
Rachel L. Wlodarsky Cleveland State University, USA
Social Media Coordinator
Michael Porterfield McKendree University, USA
Editorial Board
Geleana Drew- Alston North Carolina A&T University, USA
Susan Barcinas North Carolina State University, USA
Lisa M. Baumgartner Texas State University – San Marcos, USA
Alisa Belzer Rutgers University, USA
Jim Berger Georgia College and State University (replace Western Kentucky University)
Marcie Boucouvalas Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA
Corrine Brion University of Dayton, USA
Ann Brooks Texas State University-San Marcos, USA
Simone C. O. Conceição University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
Leslie Cordie Auburn University, USA
Joellen E. Coryell Texas State University - San Marcos, USA
Thomas D. Cox University of Central Florida, USA
Steven Frye Tennessee Technological University, USA
Julie Galliart Kansas State University, USA
Michelle Lynn Glowacki-Dudka Ball State University, USA
Edith Gnanadass University of Memphis, USA
Shibao Guo University of Calgary, Canada
Pi-Chi Han National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan
Catherine A. Hansman Cleveland State University, USA
Sharon H. Herbers University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, USA
Paulette Isaac-Savage University of Missouri-St. Louis, USA
Leann Kaiser Colorado State University, USA
Merih Ugurel Kamisli TED University, Turkey
Haijun Kang Kansas State University, USA
Lisa Kirkpatrick St. Edward's University
Clarena Larrotta Texas State University-San Marcos, USA
Tennille Lasker-Scott Arkansas Tech University
Randee Lipson Lawrence National-Louis University, USA
Ming-yeh Lee San Francisco State University, USA
Alan Mandell Empire State College, USA
Larry B. Martin University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, USA
Lisa R. Merriweather University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
Mitsunori Misawa The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA
Joann Olson University of Houston, Victoria, USA
Carole E. Pearce Walden University, USA
Maria Plakhotnik National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia
Robert F. Reardon Texas State University-San Marcos, USA
Robin Redmon Wright Penn State Harrisburg, USA
Delores Rice Texas A&M University-Commerce
Petra Robinson Louisiana State University, USA
Elice C. Rogers Cleveland State University, USA
Amy D. Rose Northern Illinois University, USA
Dionne Rosser-Mims Troy University, USA
Michael L. Rowland University of Kentucky, USA
Stephen Schmidt East Carolina University, USA
Ellen Scully-Russ The George Washington University, USA
Arlene F. Serrano Texas State University, USA
Todd Sherron Texas State University, USA
Mattyna L. Stephens Texas State University, USA
Gabriele Strohschen DePaul University, USA
Qi Sun University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
Ann L. Swartz Penn State Harrisburg, USA
Jonathan E. Taylor Troy University, USA
Rachel Wlodarsky Cleveland State University, USA
Susan M. Yelich Biniecki Kansas State University, USA
Jill Zarestky Colorado State University, USA
  • Academic Search - Premier
  • Academic Search Alumni Edition
  • Academic Search Elite
  • Clarivate Analytics: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
  • Corporate ResourceNET - Ebsco
  • EBSCO: Academic Search Complete
  • EBSCO: Communication Source
  • EBSCO: Education Research Complete
  • EBSCO: Education Research Index
  • EBSCO: MasterFILE Premier
  • EBSCO: OmniFile Full Text Select (H.W. Wilson)
  • EBSCO: OmniFile: Full Text Mega (H.W. Wilson)
  • EBSCO: Professional Development Collection
  • EBSCO: Vocational & Career Collection
  • EBSCO: Vocational Studies Complete
  • EBSCOhost: Current Abstracts
  • ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)
  • Gale: General Reference Center
  • Gale: General Reference Center Gold
  • Gale: InfoTrac Custom
  • Gale: InfoTrac Student Addition
  • ProQuest Professional Education
  • ProQuest Research Library
  • ProQuest: Education Database
  • ProQuest: Family Health Database
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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