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Angus Nurse Middlesex University, UK

Angus Nurse is Senior Lecturer in Criminology at Middlesex University School of Law where he teaches and researches criminology and law and is Programme Leader for the MA Criminology.  Angus has research interests in green criminology, corporate environmental criminality, critical criminal justice, animal and human rights law and anti-social behaviour.  He is particularly interested in animal law and its enforcement and the reasons why people commit environmental crimes and crimes against animals.  Angus has also researched and published on the links between violence towards animals and human violence.  His first book Animal Harm: Perspectives on why People Harm and Kill Animals was published by Ashgate in 2013, his second; Policing Wildlife: Perspectives on the Enforcement of Wildlife Legislation was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2015.


Angus is co-editor of Palgrave Macmillan’s Palgrave Studies in Green Criminology book series (with Rob White from the University of Tasmania and Melissa Jarrell from Texas A & M University at Corpus Christi). Together with Becky Milne (University of Portsmouth) and Sam Poysner (Nottingham Trent University) he is currently working on a book on miscarriages of justice, a subject on which he has contributed to two essay collections from the Justice Gap.