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Evan M. Berman Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazil

Evan M. Berman is Professor of Public Management and Director of Internationalization at Victoria University of Wellington, School of Government. Prior, he was the Huey McElveen Distinguished Professor at Louisiana State University. His areas of expertise are human resource management, public performance, local government, and public governance in Asia. He is past Chair of the American Society for Public Administration’s Section of Personnel and Labor Relations. He has over 125 publications and 12 books, including People Skills At Work (CRC Press, 2011), Essential Statistics for Public Managers and Policy Analysts, Third Edition (CQ Press, 2012), and a trilogy of books on Public Administration in Asia (2010, 2011, 2013, CRC Press). He has published in all major journals of the discipline, is Senior Editor of Public Performance & Management Review, a Distinguished Fulbright Scholar,  past University Chair Professor at National Chengchi University (Taipei, Taiwan), and a former policy analyst with the National Science Foundation.