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Cooke, Gwendolyn J.

Gwendolyn J. Cooke Kansas City, Missouri School District

For over 36 years, Gwendolyn J. Cooke has served learners by delivering high quality education in schools and universities. Prior to being named Deputy Superintendent of Kansas City, MO School District, she worked in senior level positions in these urban districts: Warrensville Heights, OH, Cincinnati, OH, Savannah, GA and Baltimore, MD. For a decade, Cooke directed programs and services for urban and rural schools at the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP). Certified to train others in the use of many of NASSP’s professional development programs for school leaders, Cooke's areas of expertise include leadership development of school administrators, gifted and talented education, standards-based school reform, multicultural education, NCLB regulations, parent and community involvement, and educating special education and economically disadvantaged children.