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Harvey B. Milkman Metropolitan State College of Denver, USA

Harvey B. Milkman, PhD received his baccalaureate degree from City College of New York and his doctorate from Michigan State University. He is currently professor of psychology at Metropolitan State College of Denver. His doctoral research was conducted with William Frosch, MD, at Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital in New York City, on the User’s Drug of Choice. From 1980–1981, he completed a sabbatical exploration of addictive behavior in Africa, India, and Southeast Asia; in 1985 he was recipient of a Fulbright-Hays Lectureship award at the National University of Malaysia. He has represented the United States Information Agency as a consultant and featured speaker in Australia, Brazil, Iceland, The Netherlands, Peru, Turkey, and Yugoslavia. He is principle author with Stanley Sunderwirth of “The Chemistry of Craving,” and author of “Better than Dope,” featured articles in Psychology Today, October, 1983 and April, 2001 respectively. From September 1992–June 2002, he was author, principal investigator, and director of Project Self-Discovery: Artistic Alternatives for High-Risk Youth, a national demonstration model funded by The Center for Substance Abuse Prevention and the Edward Byrne Foundation.