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Bailey, James A.

James A. Bailey

James Bailey is an experienced K-12 leader, having served as an elementary and high school principal, an assistant superintendent, superintendent, and turn-around leader in both the public and charter school spaces in Colorado, Wyoming, and Texas. He has also worked as a school improvement consultant and leadership coach opening his firm called the Leading Learners Institute in 2016 ( Bailey started LLI to help make research more meaningful and actionable for educators through a specific focus on 1) leadership coaching 2) capacity building through design-based research and improvement science principles 3) social-emotional development of adults and students, and 4) future-oriented strategic planning [see]. Throughout his professional career, Bailey has focused on the intersection of research, equity, learning, and organizational design for both adults and students. He has one self-published book called The Productive Principal and numerous blog posts and a few peer-reviewed articles (see publications section on the attached resume). He has presented multiple times at such conferences as the INACOL Conference, the Education Elements Personalized Learning Summit, the Wyoming School Boards Association Conference, the National Staff Development Council (Learning Forward)Annual Conference, and the American Educational Research Association.