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Jeffrey C. Johnson University of Florida, USA

Jeffrey Johnson is a University Term Professor of Anthropology at the University of Florida. He was a former Program Manager with the Army Research Office (IPA) where he started the basic science research program in the social sciences.  He has conducted extensive long-term research, supported by the National Science Foundation, comparing group dynamics and the evolution of social networks of over-wintering crews at the American South Pole Station, with those at the Polish, Russian, Chinese, and Indian Antarctic Stations. In related research, he has studied aspects of team cognition and social networks on success in simulated space missions. He has published extensively in anthropological, sociological, biological, aerospace, and marine science journals and was the founding editor of the Journal of Quantitative Anthropology, co-editor of the journal Human Organization, and  the author of Selecting Ethnographic Informants, Sage, 1990.