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John C. Scott Applied Psychological Techniques, Inc.

I have been at Plymouth University since 2008, having previously been Professor of Sociology at Essex University since 1994. Before that, I was Professor and Head of Department at the University of Leicester and I have previously taught at the University of Strathclyde. Until 2005 I was an Adjunct Professor in the Sosiologisk Institutt at the University of Bergen. I am Editor of the European Societies, the journal of the European Sociological Association. I have been an active member of the British Sociological Association since 1970 and have been Newsletter editor, Secretary, Treasurer, Chairperson, and President. I am currently an Honorary Vice-President. I am a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA), a Fellow of the British Academy (FBA), and an academician of the Academy of Learned Society in the Social Sciences (AcSS).