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Joseph Raelin Northeastern University, USA

JOE RAELIN is an internationally-recognized scholar in the fields of collective leadership, learning, and practice.  He is the Donald Gordon Visiting Professor of Leadership at the University of Cape Town in South Africa and the Asa S. Knowles Chair Emeritus at Northeastern University in Boston, USA.  He was formerly Professor of Management at Boston College.  He received his Ph.D. from the State University of New York at Buffalo.  His research has been centered on the development of a new paradigm of collective leadership via what he refers to as “leaderful practice,” on the emerging movement in leadership known as “leadership-as-practice,” as well as on the field of work-based learning.  He is also a prolific writer with over 200 articles and a management consultant with the firm, The Leaderful Consultancy. 

Among his books are:  The Clash of Cultures:  Managers Managing Professionals, considered now to be a classic in the field of professionals and bureaucracy (Harvard Business School Press, 1991), the latest edition of Work-Based Learning (Jossey-Bass, 2008), Creating Leaderful Organizations: How to Bring Out Leadership in Everyone (Berrett-Koehler, 2003), to accompany the latter, The Leaderful Fieldbook (Nicholas-Brealey, 2010), and Leadership-as-Practice: Theory and Application (Routledge, 2016).  Joe was named the recipient of the 2010 David Bradford Outstanding Educator Award from the MOBTS Teaching Society for Management Educators and in 2013 of the national CEIA (Cooperative Education and Internship Association) James W. Wilson Award for outstanding contribution to research in the field of cooperative education.