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Dowding, Lesley

Lesley Dowding Coventry University, UK

Lesley Dowding’s career has encompassed several different experiences since qualification, as a nurse and midwife, ranging from General Theatres, Midwifery, Gynaecology, nanny in the USA, veterinary assistant (USA), Anaesthetics & Recovery Sister, and as Nurse Tutor within schools of nursing and universities. Lesley teaches a variety of subjects for pre-registration nursing students including Management Studies, and has a passion for effective management techniques, endeavouring to make what might be considered dry theory applicable to clinical practice. To do this Lesley and Jill have written two books related to management theory and practice in health care: Managing in Health Care: A Guide for Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors (2002, Pearson Education) and Leadership in Health Care (Sage, first edition 2008).