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Ronald Paul Hill American University

Ronald Paul Hill, Ph.D. in business administration from the University of Maryland, is the Dean’s Professor of Marketing and Public Policy at the American University, Kogod School of Business. He has authored over 200 journal articles, books, chapters, and conference papers on topics that include impoverished consumer behavior, marketing ethics, corporate social responsibility, human development, and public policy. Outlets for this research are Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Business and Society, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Human Rights Quarterly, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and Harvard Business Review. He currently serves as the Vice President of Publications for the American Marketing Association. His term as Editor of the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing extended from July 2006 until June 2012, and he served as Editor of the Journal of Consumer Affairs from 2018-2020. Awards include: 2012 Williams-Qualls-Spratlen Multicultural Mentoring Award of Excellence, 2012 Villanova University Outstanding Faculty Research Award, 2010 Pollay Prize for Excellence in the Study of Marketing in the Public Interest, 2013 AMA Marketing and Society Special Interest Group Lifetime Achievement Award, 2013 Alan N. Nash Distinguished Doctoral Graduate Award, and VSB 2014 McDonough Family Faculty Award for Research Excellence. His 2014 article won the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing Thomas Kinnear Award in 2016, his 2015 Journal of Consumer Affairs article won the best paper award in 2016, and his 2015 Journal of Macromarketing article won the Slater Award in 2016. He received the 2017 Marketing Management Association Master Scholar Award, and he was given the 2019 AMA William L. Wilkie Marketing for a Better World Award.