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Singer, Tonya W.

Tonya Ward Singer

Tonya Ward Singer is the founder of Courageous Literacy LLC, an organization that helps K-12 educators advance literacy and language learning in culturally and linguistically rich schools. Teachers and administrators describe Tonya’s work as groundbreaking, dynamic, practical, relevant, and impactful.

Tonya is the author of bestsellers EL Excellence Every Day and Opening Doors to Equity. She co-authored Breaking Down the Wall and literacy curricula for international publishers. Tonya has taught across multiple grade levels and excels as an international consultant helping schools build collective efficacy of all teachers through job-embedded, impactful professional learning.

Beyond her work in schools, Tonya co-facilitates dialogues in non-profit organizations committed to truth seeking  and transforming legacies of racial oppression.

Contact Tonya at:  @TonyaWardSinger