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Early Childhood

Early Childhood
A Guide for Students

Second Edition
Edited by:
  • Tina Bruce - Honorary Visiting Professor at University of Roehampton

December 2009 | 440 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Designed for students on Early Years Foundation Degrees and Early Childhood courses, Early Years professionals and Teaching Assistants, this engaging text provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of early childhood.

Written and edited by experts in the field, the book clearly explains theory through illustrations of good practice, with case studies, reflective exercises and suggestions for further reading. Additional case studies and reflective questions for student or lecturer's use can be found on the SAGE website.

Each chapter has been revised with an emphasis on encouraging reflective practice and there are new chapters on:

- personal, social, and emotional development


- health and safeguarding children

This brand new edition has also been updated in light of the new Early Years Foundation Stage, and addresses the needs of students working towards Early Years Professional Status (EYPS).

Sally Jaeckle
Managing Yourself and Your Learning
Maureen Brookson, Ruth Pimentel and Paul Parslow-Williams
E-Learning: Using ICT to Support Your Professional Development and Children's Learning
Guy Robert-Holmes
Doing Practitioner Research
Vicky Hutchin
Meeting Individual Needs
Tina Bruce
Theory, Practice and Context
Marion Dowling
The Learning Environment: Creating a Learning Environment indoors and outdoors
Jenny Spratt
Practical Projects: Birth to Five Years
Tony Bertram and Chris Pascal
Introducing Child Development
Ann Langston and Lesley Abbott
Birth to Three
Tina Bruce and Adam Ockelford
Understanding Symbolic Development
Helen Moylett
Supporting Children's Development and Learning
Peter Elfer and Julian Grenier
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Marian Whitehead with Sian Thompson
Communication, Language and Literacy
Elizabeth Carruthers and Maulfry Worthington
Children's Mathematical Development
Katrina Foley
Knowledge and Understanding of the World
Penny Greenland
Physical Development
Tina Bruce
Creative Development
Kate Wall (Diversity and Inclusion) and Tina Hyder and Julie Jennings (Inclusion and Diversity)
Diversity and Inclusion: Inclusion and Diversity
Kathy Goouch
Supporting Children's Development and Learning
Tina Bruce
Continuing the Learning Journey: Practical Projects in Year 1
Elizabeth Carruthers and Maulfry Worthington
Key Stage 1 Mathematics
Jane Johnston
Science at Key Stage 1
Marian Whitehead with Siân Thompson
Key Stage 1 Literacy
Maureen Brookson
Working as a Teaching Assistant
Maureen Brookson
The Early Years Professional Status
Wendy Russell
Sue Owen
Every Child Matters
Carolyn Meggitt
Promoting Child Health and Safeguarding Children
Lesley Benson
Leading and Managing Others
Jenny Spratt and Karen Hingston
Managing in Context
Janet Moyles and Siân Adams
Developing and Managing the Professional Role

Praise for the first edition:

'Because it includes new research and guidelines, the book's not just excellent for students but very useful for pre-school practitioners across the board. Highly recommended!' - SureStart Magazine

'[This book] is a very useful for pre-school practitioners, across the board, with useful case studies, illustrations of good practice and reflective exercises' - Early Years Educator

This is an excellent book that has proved to be essential for anyone studying in the Early years at degree level. This has been put on the reading list of 3 different modules

Mrs Rebecca Clare Ovenden
Wiltshire College, Wiltshire College
June 23, 2020

Nice layout. Good explanations - helpful guide for students

Sarah Holmes
Childhood & Youth Studies, Liverpool Hope University
January 15, 2018

This book contains a very high level of detail to support learner's assignments. However, some of the themes are better suited for Levels 4+. This information has helped stretch my more advanced learners.

Mr Joe Murdoch
Childhood Studies, Isle of Wight College
February 1, 2016

This is great book for those who are interested in the foundations of early childhood. It can be an ideal textbook for students and tutors in the field and it is strongly recommended for university courses. It introduces all the most important aspects of early years care and education, and will help you develop the key skills needed to study at degree level. Importantly, it goes beyond theory and puts theoretical aspects and principles of early childhood into practice.

Dr Kyriakos Demetriou
Faculty of Education, Liverpool Hope University
November 11, 2015

This is a clear course textbook that can be used for Level 3/4 students to give them an understanding of how children develop through their early years.

Miss Rebecca Elizabeth Pace
Health & Social Care, Walbottle Campus
September 3, 2015

An easy to read resource and relevant case studies to use in my teaching. I will also recommend this book to level 3 students

Mrs Alison Loughnane
Early Years Dept, Hopwood Hall College
May 15, 2015

What a wonderful book! Extremely accessible and a delight to read. The authors cover a range of relevant issues which are of interest to students, teachers and practitioners within the early years sector. Thought provoking case studies and exercises promote discussion throughout. Easy to dip in and out of but also difficult to put down once you get started!

Mrs Suzi Smale
Early Years, Petroc
December 22, 2014

This book has been adopted as one of the core texts for the Sussex University Early Years PGCE. It comprehensively covers all the basic themes and concepts essential for trainees who are working towards achieving QTS in the 3-7 age range.

Mrs Jacqueline Young
Department Of Education, Sussex University
November 3, 2014

Students will find this book a comprehensive introduction to a number of highly relevant and interesting concepts in the field of Early Childhood Care and Education.

Ms Aoife Cooney
Business & Social Sciences, Sligo Institute of Technology
February 5, 2014