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Electoral Systems

Electoral Systems

Six Volume Set
Edited by:

April 2012 | 1 864 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Designed to sit along the 2008 set, Electoral Behaviour, this collection brings together leading electoral systems experts from either side of the Atlantic. The last 25 years have seen this initially underdeveloped discipline in political science grow exponentially in level and range of output.

Examining and mapping these rapid developments this collection covers the following general themes:

- electoral system design and reform

- indices relating to electoral systems, such as proportionality, effective number of parties

- Duverger's Laws

- electoral systems, stability and other consequences

- particular electoral systems.

André Blais
The Classification of Electoral Systems
Arend Lijphart
The Field of Electoral Systems Research
A Critical Survey

Andrew Reynolds and Marco Steenbergen
How the World Votes
The Political Consequences of Ballot Design, Innovation and Manipulation

Rein Taagepera
Electoral Systems
Michael Gallagher
Proportionality, Disproportionality and Electoral Systems
Markku Laakso and Rein Taagepera
Effective Number of Parties
A Measure with Application to West Europe

John Loosemore and Victor Hanby
The Theoretical Limits of Maximum Distortion
Some Analytic Expressions for Electoral Systems

Rein Taagepera and Bernard Grofman
Mapping the Indices of Seat-Votes Disproportionality and Inter-Election Volatility
Kenneth Benoit
The Endogeneity Problem in Electoral Studies
A Critical Re-Examination of Duverger's Mechanical Effect

André Blais and R.K. Carty
The Psychological Impact of Electoral Laws
Measuring Duverger's Elusive Factor

Josep Colomer
It's Parties That Choose Electoral Systems (or, Duverger's Laws upside down)
Gary Cox
Electoral Rules and Electoral Co-Ordination
Rekha Diwakar
Duverger's Law and the Size of the Indian Party System
Maurice Duverger
Political Parties
Their Organization and Activity in the Modern State

Maurice Duverger
Duverger's Law
Forty Years Later

Arend Lijphart
The Political Consequences of Electoral Laws, 1945-85
Shaheen Mozaffar, James Scarritt and Glen Galaich
Electoral Institutions, Ethnopolitical Cleavages and Party Systems in Africa's Emerging Party Systems
Peter Ordeshook and Olga Shvetsova
Ethnic Heterogeneity, District Magnitude and the Number of Parties
Steven Reed
Structure and Behaviour
Extending Duverger's Law to the Japanese Case

Rein Taagepera and Mirjam Allik
Seat Share Distribution of Parties
Models and Empirical Patterns

Margit Tavits and Taavi Annus
Learning to Make Votes Count
The Role of Democratic Experience

Andre Blais, Agnieszka Dobrzynska and Indridi Indridason
To Adopt or Not to Adopt Proportional Representation
The Politics of Institutional Choice

Carles Boix
Setting the Rules of the Game
The Choice of Electoral Systems in Advanced Democracies

Shaun Bowler, David Farrell and Philip Pettitt
Expert Opinion on Electoral Systems
So Which Electoral System Is 'Best'?

Matt Golder
Democratic Electoral Systems around the World, 1946-2000
Allen Hicken and Yuko Kasuya
A Guide to the Constitutional Structures and Electoral Systems of East, South and Southeast Asia
Gideon Rahat
The Study of the Politics of Electoral Reform in the 1990s
Theoretical and Methodological Lessons

Steven Reed
Evaluating Political Reform in Japan
A Mid-Term Report

Ben Reilly
Democratization and Electoral Reform in the Asia-Pacific Region
Is There an 'Asian Model' of Democracy?

Matthew Shugart
Electoral 'Efficiency' and the Move to Mixed-Member Systems
Robert Darcy and Ian McAllister
Ballot Position Effects
Ben Reilly
Preferential Voting and Political Engineering
A Comparative Study

Kenneth Benoit
Electoral Laws as Political Consequences
Explaining the Origins and Change of Electoral Institutions

Burt Monroe and Amanda Rose
Electoral Systems and Unimagined Consequences
Partisan Effects of Districted Proportional Representation

David Samuels and Richard Snyder
The Value of a Vote
Malapportionment in Comparative Perspective

Michael Latner and Anthony McGann
Geographical Representation under Proportional Representation
The Cases of Israel and The Netherlands

Scott Morgenstern and Richard Potthoff
The Components of Elections
District Heterogeneity, District-Time Effects and Volatility

Shigeo Hirano
Electoral Institutions, Hometowns and Favored Minorities
Evidence from Japanese Electoral Reforms

Shaun Bowler and David Farrell
Legislator Shirking and Voter Monitoring
Impacts of European Parliament Electoral Systems upon Legislator-Voter Relationships

John Carey
Competing Principals, Political Institutions and Party Unity in Legislative Voting
John Carey and Matthew Shugart
Incentives to Cultivate a Personal Vote
Bernard Grofman
Comparisons among Electoral Systems
Distinguishing between Localism and Candidate-Centered Politics

Matthew Shugart, Melody Valdini and Kati Suominen
Looking for Locals
Voter Information Demands and Personal Vote-Earning Attributes of Legislators under Proportional Representation

Wilma Rule
Electoral Systems, Contextual Factors and Women's Opportunity for Election in 23 Democracies
Christopher Anderson and Christine Guillory
Political Institutions and Satisfaction with Democracy
A Cross-National Analysis of Consensus and Majoritarian Systems

Kathlenn Bawn and Michael Thies
A Comparative Theory of Electoral Incentives
Representing the Unorganized under PR, Plurality and Mixed-Member Electoral Systems

David Farrell and Ian McAllister
Voter Satisfaction and Electoral Systems
Does Preferential Voting in Candidate-Centred Systems Make a Difference?

Arend Lijphart
Forms, Performance and Constitutional Engineering

John Huber and G. Bingham Powell Jr.
Congruence between Citizens and Policy Makers in Two Visions of Liberal Democracy
Pippa Norris
Ballots not Bullets
Testing Consociational Theories of Ethnic Conflict, Electoral Systems and Democratization

Octavio Neto and Gary Cox
Electoral Institutions, Cleavage Structures and the Number of Parties
André Blais and R. Kenneth Carty
Does Proportional Representation Foster Voter Turnout
Eric Chang and Miriam Golden
Electoral Systems, District Magnitude and Corruption
Mark Hallerberg and Patrik Marier
Executive Authority, the Personal Vote and Budget Discipline in Latin American and Caribbean Countries
Jana Kunicová and Susan Rose-Ackerman
Electoral Rules and Constitutional Structures as Constraints on Corruption
Brian Crisp et al
Vote-Seeking Incentives and Legislative Representation in Six Presidential Democracies
Barry Ames
Electoral Strategy under Open-List Proportional Representation
André Blais and Indridi Indridason
Making Candidates Count
The Logic of Electoral Alliances in Two-Round Legislative Elections

Adrian Blau
A Quadruple Whammy for First-Past-the-Post
Sarah Birch
Single-Member District Electoral Systems and Democratic Transition
David Farrell, Malcolm Mackerras and Ian McAllister
Designing Electoral Institutions
Varieties of STV Systems

Federico Ferrara and Erik Herron
Going It Alone? Strategic Entry under Mixed Electoral Rules
Erik Herron and Misa Nishikawa
Contamination Effects and the Number of Parties in Mixed-Superposition Electoral Systems
Jon Fraenkel and Bernard Grofman
Does the Alternative Vote Foster Moderation in Ethnically Divided Societies? The Case of Fiji
Ignacio Lago and Ferran Martínez
The Importance of Electoral Rules
Comparing the Number of Parties in Spain's Lower and Upper Houses

Robert Moser and Ethan Scheiner
Mixed Electoral Systems and Electoral System Effects
Controlled Comparison and Cross-National Analysis

Misa Nishikawa and Erik Herron
'Mixed Electoral Rules' Impact on Party Systems
R. Pekkanen, B. Nyblade and E.S. Kraus
Electoral Incentives in Mixed-Member Systems
Party, Posts and Zombie Politicians in Japan

Matthew Shugart and Martin Wattenberg
Mixed-Member Electoral Systems
The Best of Both Worlds?


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ISBN: 9780857024275