Ensuring Every Child Matters
A Critical Approach
- Gianna Knowles - London South Bank University, UK
There are chapters dedicated to the five outcomes of Every Child Matters (which are: being healthy; staying safe; enjoying and achieving; making a positive contribution; achieving economic wellbeing), as well as comprehensive guidance on how to ensure the ECM standards are met. However, this book also looks at the broader scope of how children learn in early years settings and primary schools, and is written at a level that enables the reader to develop their own knowledge and understanding.
Issues discussed include:
- social justice;
- diversity and inclusion;
- the child in society;
- working with families.
Case studies are provided in each chapter, along with activities, suggestions for further reading and useful websites.
Suitable for Childhood Studies and Education Studies courses, and for teaching assistants studying for a Foundation Degree or Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA) status, the content is equally relevant for teacher-training courses and practising teachers.
Gianna Knowles is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Chichester.
This will be essential reading for one module on an FdA programme entitled Every Child matters. It provides detailed knowledge split appropriately. it is easy to manage academically. it will be useful on several other modules on other courses as well.
This is a well written and thoughtful text which helps to stimulate criticality within the readers/ students at the beginning of the course. It is directly linked to required SENCO learning outcomes around the principles of ECM, and supports to foster a critical engagement with the issues.
This book will give students a good overview of the many issues children have to negotiate in life. It asks the reader pertinent questions to initiate some critical thinking of practice.
Supports all courses delivered within the Early Years and Health and social care department. As the Every Child Matters agenda is embedded within all aspects of Awarding Organisation delivery. An resources that enables learners to understand the importance and implementation of the agenda.